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Larry Hinkle graduates

On December 17, GCI pastor Larry Hinkle graduated from Ashland Theological Seminary in Ashland, Ohio with a doctoral (DMin) degree in Formational Counseling. Larry is the senior pastor of GCI congregations in Ft. Lauderdale and Port St. Lucie, FL and is GCI’s district pastor in Florida.

Larry’s doctoral work led to development of two GCI Ministry Development training events. Both offer a Trinitarian approach to spiritual renewal. The first is a three-day long spiritual retreat for pastors and ministry leaders. The second is a daylong seminar, which can be combined with the weekly worship service. For details, go to www.OdysseyinChrist.com.

7 thoughts on “Larry Hinkle graduates”

  1. Congratulations, Larry! Well deserved and reflecting outstanding work. Now you can start reading books you choose instead of those the school chooses for you.

  2. Congratulations!

    I met you many years ago in Florida… At Pastor’s conference….

    We are related I believe… I came from Hinkle family around Salem, IN in same general area as you….

  3. Congratulations Larry! You have accomplished much and the endeavor is not easily achieved. God bless you in your continued service to him and his people.

  4. Congratulations Larry! It is a great accomplishment to continue serving God’s people as you have been doing it for many year and now with more preparation even. Blessings

  5. Congratulations, Pastor Larry! Not surprised you did it. You have always been a follower of Christ and humble in your approach in serving the Lord. You have taught many of us so much over the years, so this accomplishment is not a surprise! Thanks for your dedication and patience and your wonderful example.

  6. Congratulations, Pastor Larry! I am one of your favorite fans of your work as a shepherd in your humility and care of the flocks that God has placed in your hands. I want to be just like you when I grow up (..) Blessings on your accomplishments. So many lives have already been blessed through your dedication and determination to be in the will of our Awesome God! Much love.

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