GCI Update
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Volunteer of the year

For several years, Grace Family Church of Providence, RI (a GCI congregation) has sponsored a Volunteer of the Year award, presented to residents of the community where the church meets who have distinguished themselves in unique ways in service to the Lord. The congregation recently announced that the recipient of the award in 2018 is Suzanne D. Cozzi, wife of the congregation’s pastor, Luciano Cozzi. Several guests from the community attended the service (below, left) where the award (below, right) was given to Suzanne.

Though she had to leave gainful employment a while back due to cancer, Suzanne never stopped helping and serving the church and the community. Now cancer free, she dedicates 30 or more hours each week to serving the church and its associated counseling center.

Though Suzanne’s example and service to the Lord has touched many lives in the congregation and the community, she has never asked for or expected acknowledgment or praise. For her, the privilege of serving the Lord is a sufficient reward. Suzanne’s sterling character as a woman, mother, wife and servant of the Lord shines brightly as a testimony to God’s grace and love. Congratulations Suzanne.


Congratulations to the following men and women recently ordained as GCI elders:

  • Bret Raduban, Philippines
  • Perfecto Osillos, Jr., Philippines
  • Avelina Amores, Philippines
  • Lito Olaguer, Philippines
  • Pam Morgan, GCI Home Office, USA
  • Charles Voyer, Martinique
  • Thierry Myrtil, Martinique
  • Kernani Cheny, Martinique

Personnel Update

The following announcement is from GCI President and GCI-USA Regional Pastor Randy Bloom.

The Home Office recently announced the addition of two Assistant Regional Pastors to GCI’s church administration team in the United States. After prayerful consideration, one of those appointees, Timothy Brassell (pictured with his wife Donna, at right), informed us that he needs to remain a local church pastor for the foreseeable future. We fully support Tim in this decision. We consider our pastors to be the “frontline” of ministry. Their role is as important as any in Jesus’s ongoing ministry to the world through the church. We highly value good pastors like Tim who are dedicated to leading their churches. In informing us of his decision, Tim said the following, which we very much appreciate and respect, and so want to share:

Many thanks Greg and Randy for being flexible, leaving open to me the opportunity to reconsider becoming an Assistant Regional Pastor. Conversations during the planning meetings held in Charlotte led me to consider more deeply and profoundly my response to the appointment. When I returned home from Charlotte, I drew close to our Father in prayer and fasting. As I did, I was reminded that I am more a pastor and preacher at heart than an administrator. As a result, I have decided that the timing is not right for me to assist GCI-USA in the Northeast region in this way, at this time.

I’m presently transitioning from a large home to a smaller one located in our congregation’s community. Given that factor plus my regular church and family responsibilities, I believe I will serve Jesus in and through GCI best by staying at the local church level for now. Thanks again for considering me for this appointment. I took it seriously and am still awed and humbled by it. I’m in prayer for the two of you and for the whole Home Office team as you help point and direct us to Jesus Christ and his sufficiency for his Church at GCI.

Allens’ 60th

Congratulations to Melven and Ivirne Allen, members of GCI’s congregation in Big Sandy, TX. October 9 was the couple’s 60th wedding anniversary! Melven was a long-time Ambassador College (Big Sandy) employee and the couple served on staff for many years at SEP (GCI’s youth camp) in Orr, MN.

(L to R) Sonny Parsons, Ivirne and Melven Allen

The Big Sandy congregation hosted a celebration for the Allens on October 7. Over 100 family and friends attended a luncheon following the worship service. The fellowship hall was beautifully decorated, including the display of hundreds of pictures of the Allens and their family. As shown in the picture at right, Big Sandy Mayor (and retired GCI Pastor) Sonny Parsons presented the Allens with a framed proclamation from the city congratulating them and proclaiming October 9, 2018 as “Melven and Ivirne Allen Day” in Big Sandy.

Cards may be sent to:

Melven and Ivirne Allen
423 FM 2911
Big Sandy, TX 75755

GCI Facebook forums

GCI has two Facebook discussion forums that are moderated by GCI leaders:

If you would like to join either (or both) forums, click on the links above and request to join.

Deddos’ new grandson

Grace Communion Seminary President Gary Deddo and his wife Cathy are celebrating the birth of Augustine James Deddo, their fourth grandchild, born to the Deddos’ son Greg Deddo and his wife Janelle on August 27. Gary reports that Augustine, though three weeks premature, “is healthy and ready to go—although he sleeps a lot. Mom and Dad are doing well.” Gary also noted that “being grandparents to a grandson living nearby is a bit different from being grandparents at a distance.” Their other three grandsons live 675 miles away. Gary said, “We’re very grateful to the Lord for a healthy grandbaby and the chance to be more regularly involved in helping out.” Here is a picture of Augustine with his father Greg:


Congratulations to the church leaders listed below. They were ordained recently to serve as elders within congregations of Grace Communion International:

  • Peter Edalere (Perth, Australia)
  • Kathleen Horwood (Battleford SK, Canada)
  • Margaret Sherman (Ocala, Florida)
  • Lorna Peterson (Clearwater, Florida)

Register for GCS courses

Registration for the Fall semester at Grace Communion Seminary opens Monday, August 27. The courses being offered are listed below (instructor indicated). They run from September 10 through November 12, with final work due by December 3.

  • BI501 Hermeneutics (Mike Morrison)
  • BI541 Introductory Biblical Greek (Shep Shepherd)
  • CH501 Church History: The First Millennium (Neil Earle)
  • CM501 Pastoral Leadership (Russell Duke)
  • CM503 Christian Counseling (Ted Johnston)
  • CM507 Experiencing the Trinity (Larry Hinkle)
  • NT502/ BI522 The Gospels (Mike Morrison)
  • TH503 The Spirit, the Church, and Eschatology (Gary Deddo)

ACCM intensives offered in Charlotte

Ambassador College of Christian Ministry (ACCM) invites you to participate in either of two intensive courses that will be held in GCI’s Charlotte, NC, Home Office over the weekend of October 20-21, 2018.

The two courses being offered are Christian Leadership and Jesus and the Gospels (choose one—they will be conducted simultaneously). Both are designed to fulfill ACCM’s motto, “Equipping for Ministry.” About these courses, GCI Vice President Greg Williams wrote this:

These two courses, to be taught as “intensives” in Charlotte in October, present a great opportunity for our ministry leaders to learn and build community together. I’m thrilled they will be conducted in our new Home Office building. I encourage you to sign up for one of them—you’ll be blessed by doing so, and in turn be a blessing to others in your ongoing ministry. I have used the material and taught both courses, and in my opinion they are outstanding. These courses help our bivocational pastors fulfill GCI’s continuing education expectations, so please take advantage of the opportunity.

Who Should Attend: employed pastors, bi-vocational pastors, interns, ministry leaders, pastoral team members, members, students—all who want to deepen their biblical understanding and personal walk with Christ, and be better equipped for ministry and mission.

How to register: go to www.ambascol.org/charlotte2018 or contact the Registrar at registrar@ambascol.org

Cost: Credit: $150.

Lunch and breaks provided.

3120 Whitehall Park Drive
Charlotte, NC 28273

Grandson born

GCI-Germany Elder Santiago Lange and his wife Elke are thrilled to announce the recent birth of their fifth grandchild, a grandson, Samuel Jonas Lange. At birth he was 9 pounds and 20.5 inches. It was a difficult birth with serious complications and Samuel had to be rushed to another hospital for special emergency treatment. Concerning the outcome, Santiago wrote this:

We are most thankful to report that the prayers of many were heard. Samuel has been reunited with his parents and is now doing fine and looking extremely handsome: