In service to GCI churches, Generations Ministries (GenMin) sponsors both camps and mission events (including mission trips). In support of these services, GenMin director Anthony Mullins recently appointed a GenMin Mission Event Resource Team. The team’s primary responsibility is to resource GenMin mission events. Secondarily, it resources GenMin camps and, as requested, GCI congregations – providing these ministries and churches ready access to tools that help them participate actively in the mission of God both locally and globally.

Here is what the Mission Events Resource Team will be providing:
- Resources to be used by GenMin’s mission events and camps – helping them become fully missional
- Assistance to GCI pastors in conducting local mission events that engage all age groups including mission-minded GenMin campers
- Assistance to GCI pastors in developing these youth into mission-minded emerging church leaders
- An online mission event resource catalog, ranging from starter kits on how to conduct a Vacation Bible School, to instructions on hosting one-day domestic mission events, to instructions concerning sponsoring a team on an international short-term mission trip
- Communication to the church – telling the stories of how the Holy Spirit is leading GCI churches, ministries and members in missional outreach
For further developments see Though the resource team’s emphasis is on assisting GenMin events, it also assists pastors and ministry leaders of congregations interested in conducting local mission/outreach events. To inquire about this assistance, email
To the director and team – may your work together be meaningful for you individually and fruitful for the church and Lord you serve.