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Death of Virginia Shaw

We are saddened to learn of the death of Virginia Shaw, mother of GCI district pastor and senior pastor Eric Shaw. Virginia lived in Pennsylvania and died there last week at age 92. Eric pastors Community of Life Fellowship in Altadena, CA.

Cards may be sent to:

Eric and Pat Shaw
1931 Roosevelt Avenue
Altadena, CA 91001

11 thoughts on “Death of Virginia Shaw”

  1. Eric and Pat and family, you are in my thoughts and prayers in the passing of your mother. Grace and peace in Christ Jesus be yours.

  2. Eric and Pat,
    You are in our prayers at this time ofd you r great loss.
    Love and peace,
    Curtis and Jannice

  3. Dear Eric and Pat, Our thoughts and prayers are with u – we thank God for her life and for birthing Eric. She is “absent from the body, PRESENT WITH THE LORD.” We love the comforting words of Ps 23 “Surely GOODNESS and
    MERCY shall follow me all the days of my life AND I WILL DWELL IN THE HOUSE OF THE LORD FOREVER.”
    Richard and Joyce

  4. We are so sorry for your loss. Praying for comfort for you and your family. Blessings, Hugs and Love.

  5. Mr. Shaw, we are not sure but we think we met your mom on a Festival cruise a few years back. We remember enjoying her company a lot and we corresponded with her for awhile after. We thank God for his wonderful plan of the resurrection and look forward to seeing her again and meeting you.

  6. We are so sorry to hear of the loss of your Mom, and know that she will be lovingly missed. May God, through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, keep you and your family held closely to Him during this time of loss and healing.
    In Christian Love
    Grace Covenant Fellwoship
    Birmingham, Alabama

  7. We are so sorry for your loss and we rejoice in her life with the Lord. May Gid comfort you att his time.

  8. Eric and family, it is so good to know the Lord at all times, in joy and in sorrow, and to know of his glorious provision for us all. May you continue to rest safely in his love and tender care.

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