GCI Update
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Haiti update

The following update is from GCI’s pastor in Haiti, Joseph Franklin.

In the past six months, Haiti has been experiencing a high level of criminality and there is a threat of civil war. Some uniformed people calling themselves members of the old army, carrying heavy weapons, are massed in old barracks belonging to the former national army. People are upset and express it loudly. The authorities declare those bands illegal and instructed the police to disband them, but there seems to be conflict in the chain of command because the police refused the order. Our assurance is that Jesus is at work. This is what gives us the strength we need for keeping on mission. We are not on the front line, but Jesus is.

On a daily basis, the news reports killings by the dozens. Fear, mistrust and suspicion are the norm all over this country. We are watchful – that is the least we can do. However, we cannot close our eyes to a situation that becomes out of control day-by-day. We pray and ask our spiritual family around the world to join with us.

Recently, one of the teachers in our school left the office with his paycheck and went straight to the nearby bank to cash it. As he left there and walked two blocks to find a taxi, two young thugs stopped him and took away the money while people looked on. We are taking special precautions at the school to keep the 150 children in the school and their parents safe.

We are grateful for the assistance we have received for the school. We have received help from GCI churches in Martinique, the U.S. and Bermuda. This assistance has enabled us to restore the school building to the condition needed to serve our population much earlier than we could on our own.

Several of our scattered members were able to be with us this year for services on Maundy Thursday and Easter. Several slept in our church building during the week.

4 thoughts on “Haiti update”

  1. You remain in our prayers. We are the body of Christ, when one part hurts, we all hurt. We join you in lifting this situation up to our Lord and saviour. He is able. He is our refuge and our strength an ever present help in need. We thank and praise Him for He is worthy and he loves His people.

  2. You are so very dear to our heart. We will keep you all in our prayers here in Klamath Falls oregon. I pray God will set his angels over you to protect you and continue to open the doors of oportunity to you. Thank you for reminding us how much we need to stay close together in prayer and close to our God.

  3. Thanks are given to God that you are a light in a dark place. We rejoice to join you in your focus on the risen Christ and your life hid with Christ in God. Continue in mission with God – – you encourage so many in Haiti and around the world.

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