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GCI endorses Navy Chaplain

Jonathan Henderson

A couple of years ago, Jonathan Henderson, then assistant and youth pastor in a non-denominational church in Alabama, approached GCI ministry developer Ted Johnston to discuss his plans to become a chaplain in the U.S. Navy. Jonathan had learned about GCI from Ted’s daughter and son-in-law and was wondering if GCI would endorse him when he became a chaplain. Ted replied that though GCI was not registered with the U.S. Department of Defense to provide endorsements, it was taking steps in that direction.

It turned out that those steps were quite lengthy. In the meantime, Jonathan became a Navy chaplain and was endorsed by another evangelical organization while GCI worked its way through the registration process. That process was completed recently, and GCI is now set up to use services provided by the National Association of Evangelicals (NAE) to endorse appropriately qualified U.S. military chaplains.

Upon learning that the denomination was ready, Jonathan again asked GCI to endorse him. We joyfully agreed to do so, and worked through the process with the NAE, the Navy and GCI Church Administration and Development (CAD). Then, in a ceremony during a worship service at the GCI congregation in Coventry, Rhode Island, Jonathan was ordained a GCI elder, serving as a chaplain in the U.S. military with GCI endorsement.

As shown in the photo below, Jonathan (in uniform) was accompanied at the ordination ceremony by his wife Nashisha and their four children. Also present were Jonathan’s supervisory chaplain, Commander Carl Trost (at left) and GCI district and church pastor Paul David (PD) Kurts (at right). On behalf of CAD, PD coordinates GCI’s endorsement and other forms of support for military chaplains.

Jonathan received his Master of Divinity degree from Asbury Theological Seminary in 2004. He worked in corporate management for a few years and then served in pastoral ministry in a non-denominational church in Gulf Shores, Alabama, until he became a chaplain in the U.S. Navy about a year ago. He currently is stationed at the Naval Station in Newport, Rhode Island.

Please pray for Jonathan and his family in their ministry serving members of the U.S. military. During this time of extended warfare, chaplains are essential for the spiritual care and support of the nation’s military. If you know of other existing or prospective U.S. military chaplains who might be interested in GCI endorsement, please contact PD at paul.d.kurts@gci.org.

3 thoughts on “GCI endorses Navy Chaplain”

  1. Outstanding! Welcome Chaplain Johnathan and family, and good on PK Kurts for continuing his commitment to the Air Force; I know your daddy’s proud. “Anchors Aweigh”, Johnathan! “Aim High”, PD!

  2. Congratulations Jonathan…I’m glad to see this connection being made.

  3. What a wonderful development. Here, we see, in part, that God is moving at many levels and through many means to draw his children to himself. Joe’s update on the topic of Memorial Day was a nice foundation for all included in this report – – for the resolution of conflict by means other than “swords and spears”. Thank you Lt. Henderson for your service first to God and also to country.

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