Following are reports on two GCI youth camps held recently.
SEP Visayas: Jesus is More than Life!
GCI Philippines held its Summer Enrichment Program (SEP) camp in the Visayas in late May at a site near Cebu City. 67 campers attended, served by 27 full-time and 15 part-time staff. 34 of the 67 campers were first-timers and 21 were from non-churched backgrounds.

The camp included several evening events, including Movie Night with the viewing of the film “Gifted Hands,” which helped inspire the campers’ performances at Talent Night later in camp. On Encounter Night, camp director Joseph Ouano shared the story of the Prodigal Father (commonly known as the Parable of the Prodigal Son) in a fresh way. Campers responded with candle lighting to symbolize their surrender to God’s extravagant love. Campers also enjoyed Dance Night on the final evening. It featured fine dining, beautiful lanterns and exciting dance moves (with some awkward moments!).
Day-time activities included snorkeling and other sports. Campers also enjoyed the team obstacle course with dirt or paint on their faces.
We praise God for moving in the lives of all the participants. Eight campers decided to publicly proclaim Jesus as Lord and Savior and were baptized on the last day. All the campers and staff experienced the theme that Jesus is more than life Truly, it is only in Christ that we live a full and happy life.
Heart O’ Texas Camp: Rooted: Deep Roots, Lasting Fruit
Generations Ministries held its Heart O’ Texas camp in early June at The Colony in Texas. The 12 campers who attended were served by 12 staff. Two of the campers came from non-churched backgrounds. The three-day long camp included acts of random kindness (neighborhood outreach), fireside chats, team-building challenges, games, and the formation of a praise band that led worship for the sponsoring GCI congregation on Sunday.
The local congregation not only provided the main facility for camp activities and lodging, but also gave financial support and served as camp workers. Off-site swimming and cook-outs were held at the home of camp directors Scott and Shawna Herridge.