Here are updates about two recent GCI activities in the Philippines.
Outreach to children
This update is from Arlan Aquino, one of GCI’s area superintendents in the Philippines.
Several members from Baguio City and La Trinidad recently traveled to Bokod, Benguet for a Children’s Outreach Program. According to staff member Myla Faminialagao, the purpose was to “let the children further understand who Jesus is in their lives” and help them to “have a relationship with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.”
The program had two classes, one for children 2 to 8 years old and another for children 9 to 14. The first class, led by Grace Ogas, had 23 attendees. Topics included Getting to Know God Through the Bible; and Knowing Jesus as Son of God, Son of Man, Friend and Savior. The second class, with 15 older children, considered topics such as Vanity, Who Jesus Is to Me, and Discipling Others. Myla also taught them how to make cards for Mother’s Day.
Bicol churches celebrate 40th anniversary and attend Missions Fest
This update is from Eleanor O. Bongat.
GCI in the Bicol region recently celebrated its 40th anniversary. The theme was Beyond the Great Commission, Preparing the Bride.

Attending were GCI Philippines national director Eugene Guzon, missions director Dr. Rey Taniajura, senior pastor of City of Praise for Asia Edwin Villagomez and the national missions team led by Cecilia Bangay. The celebration was opened by pastor Pamor who recaped the Bicol church’s 40-year journey. It began with one congregation in Naga City and now there are 15 in the region. Missions director Dr. Rey Taniajura then addressed the group, followed by a message from pastor Reuel who gave a glimpse of the past in pictures provided by members. Also included were warm messages from pastor George Escara and Dr. Taniajura.
The celebration coincided with Missions Fest, which included several plenary presentations and workshops. Eugene Guzon made a presentation titled GCI Mission for the Next Decade emphasizing the need for all members to participate in mission. He noted that two years ago there was a good response from GCI members to go to the mission field. But at the moment there is a tapering down in the number of missionaries, hence the urgent need to mobilize response from the churches.
Dr. Taniajura gave a presentation titled The Greatest Story Ever Told: Preparing the Bride and Mission. He said that the greatest of all events in eternity past and present is the preparation of the bride (the church). Her involvement in mission is in anticipation for the coming of the Bridegroom (Jesus Christ).
The missions team conducted workshops on networking, giving, cross-cultural experience, spiritual warfare, member care and intimacy with God.
Worship was led by various music teams, including God’s Little Musicians, a group of young and talented children. A prayer concert was held with a focus on least-reached people groups including tribals, Hindus, unreligious, Muslims and Buddhists. Prayers were also offered for GCI and the government of the Philippines. Pastor Edwin Villagomez concluded by challenging participants to actively enter the mission field. Several responded and received prayer. The event closed with a benediction from Jose V. Manzano, Bicol area assistant superintendent.