Congratulations to long-time GCI elder Randal Dick who graduated last week with a Ph.D. in Cultural Studies from Fuller Theological Seminary, School of Intercultural Studies. His research topic was the impact of patterned behavior in humans on the church and its mission.

Randal, congratulations! It has been long fought but as always you shine in it! Blessings friend.
Congratulations Randy! I remember when you would come by the Dells on occasion to visit your folks. We both had darker hair then!
Congratulations, Randal! Deb and I celebrate your graduation with you. And congratulations to Susan, too!
And, it was very good to see you at the CLA conference. I hope we connect again soon.
Congratulations Randal (and to Susie too). This is a HUGE accomplishment!
Congratulations, Randal and Susie. Really happy for you. Hope we can keep up our “patterned behavior” – a celebration meal next time we meet!
Well done Randal–we know what a slog Fuller can be so…hats off–NE
Hearty CONGRATULATIONS to Susie for enduring your long time work towards your PHD. Oh, yes, and congratulations to you for getting it. I know it takes a lot of work for this honor. I am proud of you both.
Congratulations Randal and Susie! Blessings to you as you continue in the Lord’s service!
Congratulations Randall and Susie. There IS light at the end of the tunnel (and it’s not another train!)
Warm regards and blessings to you both, Ross and Tammy.
Congratulations dear Randal and blessings to you and Susie to continue serving God’s people. Warmest regards from Brigida and me to you both!
Way to go Randal!!! Your bro’-in-law
We could not be more pleased for you two! Congratulations for your accomplishments. Keep up the good work!
What wonderful news! Congratulations Dr and Mrs. Dick! It has been at least twenty years since our paths last crossed but I could not be happier for you both: another job well done. Our Lord keeps pouring out blessings on GCI. Congrats once again.
Jim Lee
Well done Randal and love and blesings to you both.
Mohan & Nihara Jayasekera
Hi Randall, Way to go, bro! Alberta and I are overjoyed for you in this major victory in what must have been a long challenging ordeal. As I once read, “when faithfulness is most difficult, it can be most rewarding.” A high five to Susan as well as this type of success is a tribute to the mate as well. Exciting research topic, we hope to see and hear some of your learned thoughts and ideas in the future. All the best, your bro and sis, Tom and Alberta
Randy, Congradulations on this major accomplishment
Dear Randall and Suzie,
how great to read this achievement!
may the Lord use accoridng His will.
heartfelt congratulations from the Dutch :well done!
best regards and blessings,
Frans&lamberta Danenberg
Randy, Congratulations on your great achievement. I know both you and Susie are thrilled and relieved for it to be over. It’s certainly been a long and remarkable journey from the days of A.C. till now. Thanks for all you both have contributed to the members of GCI all these years and to the work of God worldwide. Don & Sharon
Enjoy your post-doctoral life! Big congratulations.
Congratulations and well done on completing your studies.
Well done Randal and Susie. Nice to get it while you are still young! Keep the faith (jazz)! Hope to see you
Congratulations to you and Susie! Thanks for adding another fond memory to our long list of fond memories of you over many years. We know that God continues to support your growth and good works. Thank you also from our three daughters, Alice, Betty and Donna.
Congratulations to both of you for a job well done!
Way to hang in there through thick and thin. 🙂
Love you both!
Wow! What a “nice round of applause”. To our dear friends Randal and Susie, we, too, applaud your accomplishment. You two have continued to work and walk together so nicely. The blessing on you is a blessing for many. With love, Franklin & Cora
Congratulations for a work well done and a Doctorate well earned. May the experience and knowledge gained be used to further His great work and to the Honor and glory of His Great Name!
Congratulations! What a blessing!
Congrats Randal!! And Susie too. How marvellous to have reached the destination of this long road. May all the work be a blessing to many others through your service to them. All the best for the future.