This update is from Eugene Guzon, GCI national director in the Philippines.

We are saddened to report that GCI Philippines Pastor Jessup Bahinting died last Saturday in a plane crash.
In addition to serving as an Area Superintendent for GCI in the Philippines, Jessup owned a charter flight and flying school business. At the time of the crash he was piloting a flight transporting Secretary Jesse Robredo to Naga City in the Philippines. Jesse, who also died in the crash, was a top ranking member of the cabinet of the Philippine president, serving as Secretary of the Department of the Interior and Local Government. Kshitiz Chand, the Nepalese co-pilot and one of Jessup’s flying school students, also died in the crash.
About 30 minutes after takeoff, the plane’s right engine and propeller went dead, so it was decided to divert to the nearest airport which was in Masbate. However, the plane didn’t make it and dropped into the sea only 100 meters from the Masbate airport runway.
Jessup was working as a commercial pilot when he entered the GCI pastorate. In the mid-1990s, when the church was going through financial stress due to its doctrinal changes, he volunteered to leave the employ of the church so that others could keep their jobs. He returned to his former employment as a commercial pilot and later started his flight business. It grew to become one of the largest in the Philippines with about 100 employees and students from about 20 countries.
While running the business, Jessup continued serving in GCI ministry—most recently as Area Superintendent for the Visayas Region. In this ministry, he often traveled to remote areas in the Philippines to deliver relief goods following disasters. In Cebu, he is considered a hero for his willingness to use his planes and other resources to airlift poor patients from small islands to major city hospitals.

Please pray for Pastor Bahinting’s widow Margie and their children Jemar (who lives in Plano, Texas), Dan and Sarah. Also pray for the families of Secretary Robredo and co-pilot Kshitiz Chandand. Please ask God to give them strength, comfort and peace in this time of grief.
Cards may be sent to:
Margie Bahinting Deiparine (Uldog Road) Cansojong, Talisay Cebu City, Cebu 6045 PHILIPPINES
Psa. 46:1 The Lord is my refuge and my strength, and every present help in need. Our prayers are going up to the great God who is able to comfort you at this time. He is faithful and will be with you.
We are very saddened to hear of these losses to two families. May God, through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, keep all of you snuggled lovingly in His all loving, caring and healing arms during this time – and always.
In Christian Love,
Grace Covenant Fellowship
Birmingham, Alabama
Our collective prayers as a congregation are for everyone affected by the unexpected death of a true servant of God.
In Christian love
Worldwide Church of God Norwich, Norfolk, UK
Here is a report on a community tribute to our dear brother:
God will always be glorified in whatever He does. Through his death life will begin. His ways are higher than our ways.
It seems evident, that the lives of many have become better and will become so, in reflection upon the legacy of these lives now missing among us, but fully accounted for by God. Thanks Ted for the link to the community tribute.