This update is from Kalengule Kaoma, one of GCI’s national and missions directors serving in Africa.
I traveled earlier this month to Cameroon and Democratic Republic of Congo where our national leaders and members warmly received me. They send warm greetings to all.

I arrived on September 28 in Yaoundé, the capital city of Cameroon. Pastor Jean Mvondo and Andre met me at the airport. Refreshed by a good night’s rest, I attended an enthusiastic worship service the next morning after which all of us shared a delicious meal. On September 30, I visited the homes of our resident pastors where I fellowshipped with small groups of members. Later in the afternoon, we traveled to Peace Center in Balmayo for the fall convention.

During the convention I spoke first on the convention’s theme: “consecration and communion” of the saints. The second time I spoke about “God’s purpose for us.” Communion followed both of these sermons and was a highlight each day of the eight day convention with about 90 people attending. Another convention activity brought members together for an evangelism drive in the town of Balmayo. We hope a new church plant will result.

Later in the week, our two senior pastors in Kinshasa, Pastors Mvita and Mpinda met me at the Kinshasa airport and took me to a hotel in Kasa-Vubu, Kinshasa. A two-day church pastors’ and leaders’ training seminar began there on October 5. Pastor Jonas, who was translating for me from English to French and Lingala, was so thrilled with our seminar that he expressed interest in becoming a GCI member.

I will be conducting five more conferences in Africa this year. Please remember our African missions in your prayers. We appreciate your support.
God bless you and our members in Africa. i have a special place in my heart for the membership in the Cameroons having visited there in 1969 with Martin Watson. Will remembers them in our prayers this weekend in both our churches.