This report is from GCI Canada national director Gary Moore.

I recently attended a meeting of the Evangelical Fellowship of Canada (EFC), which focused on the state of Canada’s youth regarding Christian faith. EFC affiliates were invited to bring a younger leader (under 35) with them. I was happy to bring Fraser Henderson. Both of us felt that the assessment of the situation in Canada was sobering. However, we see hopeful signs. Those under 30 today have an openness to discussing the Christian faith—an openness more pronounced than that found in those over 30.
The EFC meeting also included a stimulating presentation from Peter Harris, who gave a balanced Christian perspective on creation care. Another presentation focused on ministry to people caught up in prostitution.
Later in the day we heard from Ed Stetzer. His keynote presentation, “Faith – Contrast America and Canada,” was most interesting. He pointed out that though the challenges are great, the openness in the younger generation includes an openness to hearing a presentation of the Christian faith – especially if it is given in the form of a personal story—here is what Jesus Christ has meant to me—rather than a series of doctrinal statements.
The next day there was a meeting for the leaders of EFC member denominations. Two leaders who are retiring gave heartfelt, thought-provoking observations concerning a lifetime in ministry. As one put it, “I want to end my life not only faithful, but still full of faith!”
I think we all agree that through Christ, we are drawn into the divine relationship between Father, Son and Spirit where we experience real life. Our Christian walk should be more than simply an endurance test, hanging in until the end (though there is, of course, some of that). The Christian life is meant to be a daily engagement in the rich life of the triune God.