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Legal services

Here is an announcement from GCI’s Legal Department.

It appears that some of our new pastors are not aware of some of the free services our Legal Department will provide the local pastor or local church and thus the local pastor sometimes unnecessarily, or even wrongly, hires local attorneys to perform certain assigned tasks our Legal Department is here to provide. So, for example, please do not hire outside counsel to handle changes in a local church’s name, changes in the name of a summer camp or other chartered ministry, purchases or sales of buildings, leases, changes in EIN’s, wills and trusts, serving as executors and the like. Our Legal Department is not only able to provide such services, but prefers to do so and it is in fact church policy that such matters are referred to our Legal Department.

When in doubt, check with the Legal Department. We not only are ready, able and willing to help in many such matters, we prefer to do so and our services are free! Thanks for the opportunity to serve.

One thought on “Legal services”

  1. Abundant Grace Fellowship of Fort Myers, Florida, has taken advantage of the services of our Legal Department several times. The service is thorough, prompt and helpful. We appreciate their help.

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