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A Deeper Walk

Seminar host pastor George Hart
Seminar host pastor George Hart

As part of the recent GCI pastoral intern gathering near Cincinnati, Ohio (see June 19 Weekly Update), Odyssey in Christ presented a day-long seminar entitled A Deeper Walk.

During the seminar, GCI pastor Larry Hinkle, Caribbean Mission Developer Charles Fleming and his wife Carmen gave instruction about developing greater awareness of God in daily life, and how to use meditative prayer and Scripture reading to help us hear and respond to God’s voice. Instruction was also given about a team-based approach to healing prayer and principles that help us experience a more intimate, personal and fulfilling relationship with the Lord.

Pastor Karl Reinagel who attended, wrote this:

Understanding how to have a deep relationship with the Father, Son and Spirit and how to tune into God’s voice in all matters are essential parts of a solid foundation for pastoral ministry. The practices of Lectio Divina and transforming/healing prayer are vital as well. Had I received this instruction prior to becoming a pastor, I would have been less concerned and perplexed over the “what” of ministry and more focused on the “who.” I would have understood that it is not my ministry but that of Jesus. What an awesome experience this was for the pastoral interns before they return to the mission field.

Here is a video of the seminar introduction in which Larry overviews Odyssey in Christ:

View on YouTube at http://youtu.be/mCJZtV2pSWw.