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Back to school blessing of children

This update is from James Humphries who pastors GCI’s congregation in Mt. Sterling, Kentucky.

Before leaving for the GCI Denominational Conference in Orlando, we held a worship service that focused on a back-to-school blessing for school-age children and included a baptism ceremony. Our efforts were wonderfully affirmed at the conference when Gerrit Dawson said in one of his presentations that one of the things we could do to reach out as a church is to provide a back-to-school blessing for the children!

Mt Sterling 2
Blessing the children

Realizing that parents and grandparents who do not normally attend church would be present for our special service, we did all we could to feature their children. They helped with the offering, gave prayers and sang special music. We also had a baptism ceremony at the end of the service, and then a potluck meal following the service to encourage fellowship. All these elements powerfully presented the gospel, providing testimony to God’s love and goodness.

Mt Sterling 3
Baptism ceremony

Mt Sterling 1In keeping with the blessing theme, my sermon was titled “God Has Blessed Us.” I noted that the gospel really is good news for all—that all have been blessed by and included in Christ. I concluded with Romans 10:9-10, showing the simplicity of the gospel. Since we had scheduled a baptism ceremony that day, I asked if any others desired baptism. We were prepared with extra clothing, and were thrilled when five people came forward to be baptized. So we baptized six people (five adults and one preteen), including my youngest brother, Nelson. Since that service, three others have requested baptism!

We had 72 people attend our blessing service. Most stayed to fellowship and to enjoy the meal. We still are rejoicing. What a wonderful day it was!

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