Ray Meyer and his wife Carol recently celebrated Ray’s retirement after 40 years serving as a GCI pastor and several years as a district pastor. GCI’s Kansas City, Missouri church, where Ray last pastored, hosted the celebration, which included church members and Ray and Carol’s family. Congratulations and thanks to Ray and Carol! Here are pictures from the celebration:

Ray & Carol,
Enjoy your retirement!! You will find that the time is filled in very quickly!! And you will wonder how you got everything done. Now you can sleep in later without feeling guilty. (smile)
We remember you two from one of the festivals held in Hawaii with the Parkers. That is really stepping back in time!!
Again, enjoy your continuing journey!!
Lila & Ted Millhuff
Tucson, AZ
Congratulations, Ray! Happy Retirement. But, like most of us retirees do, you’ll find plenty to keep you busy. We haven’t seen each other in many years yet my memory of good times together is fresh on my mind. I pray you and Carol will continue in good health and the loving relationship you’ve enjoyed with Jesus and each other. Keep Smilin’
Our thanks and congratulations to two wonderful people! Thanks for your leadership and example. We’ve never forgotten your warm and reassuring guidance during some rocky times in mid-Missouri in the past. May our Lord richly bless you in retirement.
Ray & Carol
Thanks for all the years you have served God’s children. I’m sure it was a blessing to them. I pray that you will have a great retirement. I often think of the time we went to Squaw Valley to pick up the canvas backdrop for Blyth arena and the KFC chicken dinner we had in Carson City. God is truly good all the time.
Dearest Ray and Carol,
As we think of the past few years and your loving aid to us and our responsibilities, we must pause and recognize the depth of God’s involvement with you Ray and Carol, for not only my wife and I, but the many others of whom you have served in Jesus loving Name through the past years of service.
Please know, you are invited to spend time enjoying your blessed retirement, in Jesus’ leading for you both, as you and Jesus polish your work, unto the kingdom we so look forward to.
From our hearts to your hearts, we love you and are thankful for your service to us! Love, David and Linda Husmann
Ray and Carol,
Congratulations to you both! We are thrilled to see you enter this new chapter and look forward to seeing how it unfolds. We thank you both for your years of service given to so many congregations, for your service on behalf of our denomination and for your friendship. Well done!