Mary Snyder reports here on a recent mission trip she made to Ethiopia. Mary and her husband Cliff lead M25:40 Missions—one of GCI’s GenMin Missions.

I recently made my eighth mission trip to Ethiopia to continue assisting Fanos, a young lady studying at a local university. I also visited Korah, a community built on a dump. Korah’s residents live in extreme poverty, digging through the trash for their daily food. Large numbers of them have leprosy or HIV/Aids and many of Korah’s children are orphaned.

When my husband Cliff and I visited a church in Korah a year ago we discovered that they had only two Bibles to serve the 60 people who attend. At that time we gave them 60 Bibles in the local language which they then gave to people at the time of their baptisms. They ran out of Bibles in only three months, so on this trip I gave them 60 more.
In Addis Ababa I visited Evangelical Theological College (ETC) where we are assisting three students. Now we hope to help three more. ETC students are being trained to become pastors and church leaders, spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ in Ethiopia.
I also visited an elementary school where I spoke with the principal about providing English children’s dictionaries, which are in great demand. I then visited with the pastor of the International Evangelical Church to discuss bringing a GCI missions group next year. He had great ideas as to how M25:40 Missions could partner with his church to conduct a VBS program for children. IEC is associated with a group who minister in Korah and at an orphanage in Awassa.
Mary, thank you so much for the report from your recent trip. We had kept you in prayer as you were traveling; glad to hear of your safe return and inspiring results. There are so many to help, but God gives us each connections with certain people, and with those we can make a difference. It’s great to rest assured that every human being who has ever lived or will live is securely in His hands; He won’t leave anyone out from His calling.