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Marie Allworth

Many who worked at the WCG/GCI denominational headquarters when it was located in Pasadena, California will remember Al and Marie Allworth. Al was a long-time faithful elder who worked in the TV department as an engineer. He was a quiet, unassuming man with a wide range of interests. He was well informed about those interests and could make and fix anything. Al’s wife, Marie, was always a cheerful and enthusiastic servant of the congregations where the couple attended. If food preparation was involved, Marie would be there. After Al retired, the Allworth’s moved to Gold Beach, Oregon, where they continued to serve the church.

Al died twelve years ago and now Marie is struggling for her life. We ask for your prayers for Marie and her family. Here is a prayer request from Marie’s daughter Cheryl Cooper:

Twelve years ago we lost our father Al Allworth to pancreatic cancer. Now our mother Marie Allworth has breast cancer. She also has middle-stage Alzheimer’s disease and lives in a memory care facility in Vancouver, Washington. We have chosen to let nature take its course and let God’s will for our mother be done. She is 81 and has lived a long and happy life. We, the doctors and the facility where she lives are going to do all we can to make her comfortable. We would appreciate your prayers for her and for us.

Cards to the Allworth family may be sent to:

Cheryl Cooper
59899 Jaden Drive
St Helens, OR 97051

6 thoughts on “Marie Allworth”

  1. HI Cheryl, I remember you and of course, Marie and Al were among our dearest friends after years of serving together in Pasadena. We were in each other’s homes often. After they moved to Gold Beach we visited and stayed with them a few times. Al and I would hunt beach agates. There never was a sweeter spirit than Marie. We really pray for all of you during this perhaps last part of her journey.

  2. Hello Cheryl, Tony & I are currently in New Zealand visiting family. Our prayers are certainly with your family and especially Marie. We have so many wonderful memories with Al & Marie of church events, River Glen, camping in the snow on Table Mountain, trips to Vegas….the list goes on. Please give her a hug for us.
    Tony & Wilma Murphy

  3. My parents new them very well when we lived in Pasadena. I hope she gets better and will pray for her and her family.

  4. Hello to the Alworth family from Jannice and me.
    They were truly inspiring to be around!
    The family is in our prayers.

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