This update is from district and church pastor Howard Blakeney.
Earlier this month, about 200 members and friends attended a GCI-sponsored conference in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. The conference theme, “It’s All About Jesus,” was emphasized in a powerful testimony given by Melissa Harring and her dad Bill. They related how Melissa as a young teen was headed down the wrong path, resulting in a terrible automobile accident. Initially, the doctors did not think she would survive, let alone walk again. But thanks to God’s mercy, she not only is now able to walk, she tells people about Jesus and the importance of not drinking and driving.

Another conference highlight was joining Jesus in reaching out to the surrounding community. One group went to what locals refer to as the “homeless village”—a place in the woods where homeless folks live in tents without running water, flushing toilets, central air, refrigerators or soft beds. We gave them food and toiletries, but most importantly, we talked and prayed with them. Some of them understood that despite their circumstance, Jesus would take care of them. A few accepted Jesus and became believers. Another group of conference-goers visited a homeless shelter where they led a worship service and provided a meal.
I attended the conference, but did not have the opportunity to participate in any of the outreach activities.
I did however sit in on most of the sermons given. It was so refreshing to here the “good” gospel preached and expounded. In all of the sermons we heard phrases such as:
“God loves you and there is nothing you can do or not do that will change that.”
“God adopted you before the foundations of the earth.”
“God is not mad with you, He is mad about you.”
“You can’t get more close to God than you are right now.”
“God will never leave you nor forsake you.”
“Your sin cannot separate you from God.”
“You are only separated from God in your mind.”
“Good works don’t save do good works because you are already saved.”
Thanks Pastor Blakeney for coordinating this event. It was great. Amen and amen!
Ivan Lane
The one statement:God will never leave you nor forsake you keeps me going. I love to repeat that one a lot.
I would like to add another catch phrase being The Gospel is not just good news, but The Best News Ever!