The mission statement of In His Grace Community Church, GCI’s congregation in Kenockee, Michigan is this: “To live and to share God’s Grace in: our homes, our community and our world!” That they are ministering accordingly is evidenced by an article by Bob Green in the Port Huron “Times Herald.” Here are excerpts:

It’s hard to imagine a congregation tinier than the 25 or so members of In His Grace Community Church… But don’t let the size fool you. With the help of their neighbors, members of the church are making sure people who are hungry receive the food they need.
The church had a food giveaway on Oct. 19. “We know the need is there,” said Pastor Grant Forysth. “There still is a great number of people who, due to the economy, are not making it. We are trying to, in any little way we can, help people make it.”
He said 161 families signed up for the latest food giveaway, which represented 516 people. The food comes on a truck from the Food Bank of Eastern Michigan. “We try to do two a year,” Forsyth said. “This year, that was the only one we were able to get done.”

A food truck costs $650, said Alice Rieves of Mid City Nutrition in Port Huron, who works with the Food Bank of Eastern Michigan to coordinate food giveaways. That $650 guarantees 12 pallets of food. “My job is to make sure the food is distributed equitably, fairly and the people are treated with respect and the paperwork is done,” she said.
In addition to the $650, which Forsyth said his church raised through donations, the group sponsoring a mobile food pantry also must have 30 volunteers to help with the giveaway. “We have connections with volunteers in Kenockee Township, the leadership there,” he said. “They send volunteers; they like to be involved.”
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Grant and Kathy,
Great to see what all of you are doing to share the love of Christ. Blessings to our brothers and sisters there!May our Father bless richly what you are doing in the community.
Brad and Jodie
Not by might, not by power, but by the Spirit of the Lord!