We are pleased to announce that the following men and women were recently ordained as elders within GCI. Congratulations to all!
- Manuel Hamme (8/25/13) Pasadena, California, USA
- Terrance McDonald (9/8/13) Akron, Ohio, USA
- Tamar Gray (9/8/13) Cleveland, Ohio, USA
- Jina Raduban (9/15/13) Santa Rosa, Laguna, Philippines
- Aleck Thompson (9/29/13) Eugene, Oregon, USA
- Matendo Makoti (10/6/13) Leeuwarden, Netherlands
- Kenda Turner (10/13/13) Cincinnati (West), Ohio, USA
- William Turner (10/13/13) Cincinnati (West), Ohio, USA
- Anne Stapleton (11/6/13) San Diego, California, USA
Thinking of the moment in time that a person is sent forth into the ministry of Jesus as an under-shepherd truly is an exciting purposed filled experience for anyone gifted as elders! Our prayers are for your movement into this responsibility for God’s people. God Bless each of you – David and Linda Husmann.