Dishon and Afrika Mills, GCI church planters living in Randolph, Massachusetts (near Boston) request your prayers. On June 6, Afrika’s older sister, Clarissia (Dee Dee) Russell died tragically. This loss is especially difficult because Afrika’s other older sister, Sandra (Ronnette) Russell and her unborn child also died tragically in 1993, while Afrika was a student at Ambassador University.
Please pray for Afrika and the other members of the family, especially Dee Dee’s four children: Richard, Kevin, Sabrina, and Zack.
Cards may be sent to:
Dishon and Afrika Mills 2 Junior Terrace Randolph, MA 02368
Jesus said, “Now is your time of grief, but I will see you again and you will rejoice, and no one will take away your joy.” John 16:22
Our prayers are with you during this so painful time. God will provide. Keep trusting in Him.
With love,
Santiago and Elke
Dear Hearts, our Love & Prayers are with you and Family!
God’s ways are not our ways, but HE knows best….Remember: HE will never leave or forsake us, even when Life hurts!
Love, Peace & continued Prayers.
Dear Dishon & Afrika, words are inadequate to express the depth of sorrow you must be feeling. We join you in prayer, taking your sorrow as our own and calling upon our heavenly Father for healing and strength for all who are burdened by this tragic loss.
We love you both,
Thom & Marlene
Dearest Ones, our hearts and prayers go out to you and for you. We know that our GOD is faithful and HIS heart is with you also. At times like these, there are no words but thank GOD for his WORD and it is true. We pray for comfort, strength, and courage from the ALMIGHTY. We know it has to come from HIM. It is not an easy task to deal with such a tremendous void in your lives. GOD bless and keep you in your time of need.
Afrika & Dishon,
We have been following your ministry and feel God has great things for you to do. So often the evil one is at work to block and discourage us from going forward. Afrika, may God give you strength and encouragement and surround you with His love.
We are so sorry to hear of your loss. May God, through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, keep you and your family snuggled in His all loving and compassionate arms during this time of loss – and always.
In Christian Love
Grace Covenant Fellowship
Birmingham, Alabama
Dear Afrika and Dishon. So sorry to hear of your loss. Our prayers are with you in New York City.
I am so sorry to hear about the tragic loss of your sister. I know how painful it is to loose a loved one..Wish we were there to hug you and be with you in this time of bereavement. We love you sister..take care and GOD bless
Dear Mills and related family,
It is difficult to share the level of pain you have, but it is comforting to know that Jesus knows the fullness of it and it is his yoke that gives us rest. God bless you all and keep you close to him.
Thanks so much to all of you. God’s embrace and your prayers are absolutely sustaining us during this heartbreaking time. We rest in His arms, and SO appreciate your loving support.
Love always,