GCI Update
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Experiencing the Trinity retreat

GCI members from Mississippi, Florida, Indiana, Minnesota, Texas and Wisconsin gathered recently in Titusville, Florida, for Experiencing the Trinity—a retreat facilitated by Odyssey in Christ ministry. The 72-hour retreat was held at the St. Stephen Christian Retreat and Conference Center. Five GCI members attended in person and two joined in online.


Retreat participants were led through teaching sessions and spiritual exercises that created an environment for experiencing the Father, Son and Holy Spirit in close, personal ways. From an extended time of silence, to meditative prayer and praise, to creative expressions in community and transforming prayer, the participants came away, as Carolyn Lane said, “with valuable tools for deepening our daily walk with the Father, Son and Spirit. We truly experienced being in the presence of God in a very intimate, tangible way, which left us thirsting for more.” In the words of Tom Fallon, “we were visited and dwelt in by the very real presence of the Holy Spirit.” John Novick commented that the retreat “was a magnificent 72-hour journey with God that can change one’s life forever.”