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Resources for children’s ministry

This update is from Ted Johnston, editor of Equipper and a regional pastor in GCI-USA.

I’m often asked to recommend resources for teaching the Bible to children in Sunday school or at home. For the last few years, my #1 recommendation has been The Jesus Storybook Bible. It’s available at a good price at Amazon.com, along with a related curriculum kit, and handout packs for the Old Testament and New Testament.

For recommendations related to ministry to children, teens, young adults, older adults, married couples and families, click here to go to the age-graded resource page on the GenMin website.

Jesus Storybook Bible

One thought on “Resources for children’s ministry”

  1. Thanks Ted. Those are some great resources on the Gen Min website.

    Here’s another one, for free kids lessons and videos:

    Just scroll all the way down, look on the right side, and there are two years worth of free lessons and some videos, for four age groups.

    You have to copy and paste them onto a Word document, then do the same with the questions page, then print. They make a nice booklet, if your printer gives you that option, which will save you some color ink.

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