As part of its outreach to the surrounding community, Christ Fellowship Church (a GCI congregation in the Cincinnati, Ohio, area) conducted on their property a three-day family festival followed by Westside Christian Camp—a week-long day camp serving 50 children. The congregation was assisted by young adults who came to Cincinnati from around the country. Led by Janet Morrison, these missionaries served under the banner of GC Trips, one of Generations Ministries’ multiple mission organizations.

On Sunday following camp, Christ Fellowship Church hosted a worship celebration for campers and their parents. About 150 people attended (including 50 guests) and four were baptized. In reviewing these events, Anthony Mullins (GenMin national coordinator and camp participant) made this comment:
This was GenMin’s first attempt at this type of GCI church-camp partnership and I thought it was a smashing success! Now Christ Fellowship Church will continue the good work of discipling and serving their new members.
In the videos below, camp staffers share impressions of what they experienced while serving at Westside Christian Camp.
- Dustin Lampe, lead pastor at Christ Fellowship Church, notes how he saw the Lord at work and the impact the day camp had on parents and children, along with hopeful expectation of baptisms and families joining the life of the congregation.
On YouTube at
- Halie Carley talks about how she saw the gospel working in the hearts of the young children during the camp week. Halie attends the GCI church in Helena, Montana where she has volunteered many summers at SEP Montana.
On YouTube at
- Chris Meade explains why he chose to invest two weeks of his busy summer on a GenMin mission trip and how it’s been to partner with a local GCI church to serve kids from their community.
On YouTube at
- Hazel Tabin talks about why she’s committed to serving as a domestic missionary with GC Trips.
On YouTube at
For a report on this mission outreach from mission director Janet Morrison, click here.
For additional pictures and videos of this event, go to the congregation’s Facebook page at
It’s wonderful to see GenMin connecting its camp and mission ministries to the life of a local church that is in the midst of a renewal cycle. Congrats (and thanks) to all involved!
Congrats to all who served in this awesome kids camp. From the write-up and videos, it appears that Jesus was lifted up, the kids (and parents) got to know Jesus better, the church (local and universal) was exemplified in a great light, and lives were transformed. I pray for the follow-up connections and discipleship.