GCI Pastor Joseph Franklin in Haiti requests prayer for his nation. Here is his note to us:
Haiti is now threatened by civil war. As I am writing this, we hear shooting all around our home. Please join us in prayer for a quiet and secure Christmas season. Over 100 of the kids in our school here are back home for the holiday and will return here on Wednesday for a farewell lunch.
Our prayers are with you and the nation of Haiti!
May God bless and protect you.
It seems so “out of place” during what ought to be a time of great joy to hear about the terrible situations so many people are facing around our globe. Terrorism and the threat of war are stark realities. Haiti has certainly experienced much suffering and it is deeply saddening that the country is again in turmoil. Our intercessory prayers are with you. May the peace that surpasses all understanding bring comfort and hope in the assurance that our Lord will “right the wrongs”.
We pray “YOUR kingdom come upon this earth as it is in heaven. Our hearts go out to our sisters and brothers who have had to deal with so much over these past few years. We know that GOD knows and we know HE cares. Our prayers are with you.
How sad to hear of more pain and suffering for your country, which certainly has had enough of that over the years. I am praying for your safety and that of your loved ones, and for some kind of peaceful solutions to the country’s problems.