This report, from GCI-Kenya National Director Anthony Gachanja, tells how the kindness of our members in the Naivasha church (near Nairobi, Kenya) led to a request for a church plant.
In August this year, we lost a member of our Naivasha congregation who had been sick for a long time. Church members visited her frequently in the hospital, and when she died, the congregation contributed finances and personnel to assist in the funeral, which was conducted by our pastor Michael Thuku. To our members, doing these things was simply our duty to a beloved sister in Christ; little did we know that it would have a great impact on her family and neighbors.

In late November, a delegation was sent by our sister’s family to visit our congregation and worship with us. The distance between their home and our church building is approximately 75 miles. The spokeslady for the visitors gave a very moving testimony in our church service concerning our service to the family. Some were moved to tears.

We shared a meal together, and they asked us if we would be in a position to start a fellowship in their home area. They expressed a desire to have that love in their village. This, to them is the best gift they can give to their departed sister. In response, we promised to visit them at the earliest opportune time to discuss the way forward. All glory and honor be to our Triune God for this is his doing.
This is how the Spirit works!!
An amazing story! Thanks for sharing.
Praise God for the way he moves in the mind and heart of believers! Although his ever-present loving-kindness no longer surprises me, it still frequently amazes me! What an awesome God we serve…
Thom Friedrich
GCI, Concord, NH