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4 thoughts on “March Prayer Guide”

  1. Thank you all for preparing this. What a great way to bring us together in prayer, Dan

  2. Thank you for the monthly Prayer Guide. It broadens one’s view of the church and it’s activities around the world.
    However, I would like the publishers to consider not having white on a black background. This makes it harder to read once it is printed, especially for those whose sight is failing. Printing like this makes the words lose their sharpness. Secondly it also uses more black ink and this is a very expensive item, especially if one has to print off a few copies for those not using a computer.
    Please consider these two points for future publications as they are important.
    God bless,

  3. Thank you so much for this Monthly Prayer guide for this is the first one I have seen and it gave me so much joy to pray for others and for what God is accomplishing in the International World and I just had a GREAT TIME using it as a prayer list and I hope this will be continued for a long time. Thanks so much and may God Bless this Guide every month!
    I also want to thank you for the magnifying ability so that I could read it.

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