GC South KC in Kansas City, MO, hosted our first annual Easter Egg Hunt on Sunday, April 8. We were exceedingly pleased with the overall outcome. Between 25 and 35 children attended. Since our building is on a main street, we decided to hold our event on the front lawn, for more visibility to passersby.
Pastor Terry McDonald created a flyer that was posted on our neighborhood social media page. Also, because of our connections with the local elementary schools, our flyers were sent home to the students’ parents. We placed several signs in the yard and attached balloons to draw attention.
Members of the congregation filled 500 eggs with candy. We included notes inside telling them that Jesus loves them. Additionally, we provided 24 golden eggs that contained specialty items, such as tokens for ice cream or money. The eggs were hidden around the front of the building and yard.
We also provided lawn games along the pathways, which was a special highlight. The coke bottle ring toss was an obvious favorite. We played music, and we even had a spontaneous line dance among members, parents, and children. Everyone had a great time and we connected with many people.
We learned many things from this first event. We needed more eggs and plan to double the amount next year. We advertised that the event would be held for three hours but learned that two hours was probably enough because everything was winding down at that time. We decided that next year, we will not put all the eggs out at one time so they could be more evenly distributed.
It was an amazing event, and we’re grateful to all who shared their time.

By Barbara Leatherman, Love Avenue champion
South Kansas City, MO, US
I love that you took this step and had such encouraging results! Keep up the good work. May your neighborhood day camp in July be even more exciting!