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Neighborhood Camp South KC

As we dipped our toes figuratively into the waters of a Neighborhood Day Camp experience, there were many learning experiences for our small congregation. Our team began brainstorming and came up with a theme – GC/DC Connection is power. [The name is a play on the acronym AC/DC, meaning alternating current / direct current.]

Our first challenge was to bring our brothers and sisters alongside us and onboard with the idea. We wanted them to share the vision of blessing some children in our neighborhood with fun and love.

We prepared a beautiful and informative flyer that went out to the neighborhood association and to the local elementary schools. Some of our team also went throughout the neighborhood distributing this information. Our pastor ordered matching shirts for our staff members as well.

Activities we planned:

    1. Rocket building.
    2. Watercolor painting.
    3. Basketball skills.
    4. Icebreaker games.
    5. Line dancing.
    6. Devotionals centered around our theme.

As we began sharing these ideas, we were amazed at the willingness of our members to attempt something outside their comfort spaces. We recruited around 20 staff members.

After much preparation and prayer, we had no takers. Not one family signed up. We didn’t want our volunteers to feel that this was a failure, so our team began to encourage them that this was a learning experience. We would be even better equipped for the next round. It was mutually decided that we would do a “dry run.”

We all gathered as planned and received a very special surprise. Two of our former, young members had returned to the area for a visit! Now it was possible for us to test our plans and ideas on children. We had two very willing participants – an 8-year-old girl and a 10-year-old boy. And don’t you know, they loved being the center of all this attention.

Our kiddos had a blast, and so did we. You could say we had a double blast because afterward we gathered outside and watched the completed rocket be launched. That was amazing.

As the Love Avenue Champion, I was so grateful for our volunteer staffers that I prepared an appreciation luncheon. My great volunteers helped me with that as well. We had a wonderful time, discussing our joy in this new and exciting journey. We also debriefed about what worked well and what did not. We are all looking forward to dipping our toes into this water again in the coming year!

By Barbara Leatherman, Love Avenue Champion
Kansas City, MO, US


One thought on “Neighborhood Camp South KC”

  1. What a good lookin’ bunch! Congratulations on a well-planned event, even though response was not what you hoped for. You gained good experience which will be beneficial next time. Keep up the good work, realizing Jesus is the center of all you do and that He will work in amazing and glorious ways! We pray for all of you every day! Blessings! Ray and Carol Meyer

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