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Devotional—In All Things

Editor’s Note: For our Ordinary Time Devotional series, you are hearing entirely from young authors. They are sharing their perspectives on the theme, “God is in the streets.” Enjoy reading how the next generation of emerging GCI leaders experiences God outside the walls of the Sunday church gathering.

It’s inspiring to see God work his infinite power. For me, it’s also in the little things that I get to see God and experience him on a daily basis. I usually take time to acknowledge God’s presence, saying a little thank-you prayer while waiting for my daughter at the after-school pickup. Just as I am looking for a parking spot, on numerous occasions one is provided for me. Hallelujah!

Then there are the not-so-good times. Even though it may not be easy, being rooted in Christ helps us see past the adversities.

I am reminded of the Bible verse Acts 17:28.

For in him we live, and move, and have our being; as certain also of your own poets have said, For we are also his offspring.

Oh wonderful, triune God, you are in all things! In you, we live, move, and have our being. Thank you for being the center of the center of our daily lives. Amen.

By Luisa Nalequa
Suva, Fiji