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Final Celebration

Dear Family,

On behalf of GC San Leandro, here’s a big thank you to all who came and celebrated with us on Sunday, November 12. As we gathered for the congregation’s final service, with “old” friends from far and wide, it really felt like a big family reunion. We sang old songs, viewed old pictures, listened to inspiring messages, and enjoyed great food and laughter. And the words of our first hymn came to life, “how good and how pleasant for brethren to dwell in unity.”

We give praise to our triune God for giving us this time to celebrate the many relationships we’ve enjoyed through the years. We can only imagine how great our reunion will be in the fullness of God’s kingdom. Until then, let us enjoy each day as we journey through the next chapter of our history—living and sharing the gospel to everyone.

For the video of the full service and celebration, click here.

With love and appreciation,
Jun and Yolly Caranto
San Leandro, CA, US

4 thoughts on “Final Celebration”

  1. In God’s master plan local churches have their “life cycles”. This means that in the course of time congregations will “close down”, while other congregations “are born”. The “church plants” of the apostles went through similar cycles. At times, the “passing away” or “splitting” of local congregations brought about life to new missionary outreaches. We thank the Lord for the years GC San Leandro was a conduit for the gospel. And, we look forward to what the Lord has prepared for the future.

  2. After 18.5 years serving the congregation and 8 more years with Jun Caranto’s leadership, it was a bitter-sweet day. But our relationships as family did not–cannot–close. We will always remember and stay in touch, for our hears are knit together with Jesus as the Bond and the Kingdom as our mutual destiny.

  3. Sad to see and I know they will miss their congregational meetings. Ours closed a couple of years ago, so I understand the feeling. I had gone there my whole life! We are in a bigger church now with classes for our grandkids which is the main good part of change.

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