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Prayer Request

The following is a prayer request for the family of Takalani Musekwa, the regional director of Southern Africa.

Last month, Takalani and Margaret’s eldest son, Francois, was attacked at his home by armed men, who shot him in the abdomen and leg. They then took him with his car to a deserted spot and demanded a ransom and threatened to kill him if not paid. The car tracker company and the police responded quickly and managed to rescue him.

After spending more than two weeks in the hospital in critical condition, Francois died Saturday, April 6. Our hearts are breaking for the Musekwa family. Join us in praying for them.

7 thoughts on “Prayer Request”

  1. What a terrible and shoking loss! Our hearts and prayers go out to Takalani, Margaret and the entire family. May the peace that only the Holy Spirit can bring fill, comfort and strengthen you. Maranatha!

    “We do not have control over many things in life and death but we do have control over the meaning we give it.”―Nathalie Himmelrich, Grieving Parents: Surviving Loss as a Couple

  2. It really breaks my heart to know of such a tragedy. As we all know, bad things can happen even to the best of Christians.
    Only God know why these terrible things happen to us. Yet, we are under His divine strength and mercy. Our prayers to the Musekway family and God be with them during these sad moments!

  3. Takalani, There are no words but please know our groanings are being shared with the Father on your behalf in this time of grief. Jeff and Karen

  4. May the peace and comfort of God be with you all and a most terrible time in your lives. May he surround you with people to help and give you the tremendous support you need. May he bring scriptures to your mind and heart that will bring along with it what you need. With much love in Christ Jesus name ❤

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