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Belong, Believe, Become

Greg and Susan Williams
Greg and Susan Williams

Dear GCI Family and Friends,

Down the street from the home office of GCI, there is a storefront church nestled in among a couple other businesses. Underneath the name of the church, their sign includes this slogan, “Belong, Believe, Become.” I like the phrase, especially because it is in the right order.


All of humanity belongs because of Jesus. He is the creator of every person who has ever lived. He is also our Redeemer and active mediator. The first chapter of Ephesians eloquently describes our adopted status through Jesus.

He destined us for adoption as his children through Jesus Christ, according to the good pleasure of his will, to the praise of his glorious grace that he freely bestowed on us in the Beloved. In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of his grace Ephesians 1:5-9 NRSVA

Jesus, who is the beloved of the Father, has made us the beloved. The beautiful picture of adoption is that he chose us. Being chosen makes you feel special and satisfies the longing to belong.

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7 thoughts on “Belong, Believe, Become”

  1. Love all the people at GC surrey hills very thankful for all people there everyone is so loving and caring

  2. It took me far too long to fully grasp, understand and appreciate this simple truth…in all circumstances…slow down, take a breath, and know that Christ is Lord and He is near.
    Thank you for the insight you share!

  3. It’s been our motto since 2019. “Belong. Believe. Become. You belong to Jesus, so believe in Jesus, and become like Jesus.” Go Grace Communion Hanover!

  4. We live , stand and walk by FAITH in Him for we are complete and burried in Him (JESUS CHRIST) A MESSAGE FROM PASTOR REYNALDO BASALIO

  5. Greg, thank you for this beautiful article. We join you in the wonderful reality that our “best response in all circumstances is to slow down, take a breath, and know that Christ is Lord and is near.” May this weekend be a blessing for all the Williams family mom’s who have children gathering around them. Love, prayers and blessings to you and yours

  6. I slowed down, took a breath, and felt Jesus’ presence, and finally read your letter posted a week ago. Thank you!

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