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International Women’s Day

International Women’s Day was observed on March 8. On the following Sunday, GCI India held a special women’s celebration. The congregation expressed gratitude for the service and leadership offered by the women of the congregation. The worship service was led by our women. The ladies’ choir led the congregation in a soulful time of worship.

Ms. Selina and Mrs. Joshila Philips gave the messages. Ms. Selina explained how inner beauty transcends external beauty through the examples of Rachel and Leah. She focused our attention on Jesus, who is the portrait of absolute beauty with a gentle and quiet spirit. Mrs. Joshila spoke about the importance of women’s leadership in various aspects of the church, focusing on the example of Deborah. Deborah was an Old Testament judge, prophetess, and military strategist who played an important role in freeing Israel. She encouraged the women of the church saying that God bestows all women with unique gifts. Women are to bring that forth and serve the church and society with their gifts.

Pastor Praveen closed the service with communion. As a token of appreciation for the women of the congregation, a sumptuous lunch was arranged and enjoyed by everyone!

By the GCI India Newsletter editors,

Shanti Nirale




Praveen Kumar Chintha