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Devotional—Narrow Your Focus

As a GCI pastoral resident, I was challenged with the idea of narrowing down the places where we ate, studied, had coffee, etc. The consistency would enable us to develop meaningful relationships in those places. As someone who has always lived by the motto “variety is the spice of life,” this didn’t resonate with me—at least not at the time.

After finishing my residency, I became a pastor in another state. I was eager to try all the different coffee shops, restaurants, and hang-out spots. And yet, I couldn’t shake the challenge of adopting a more missional mindset and sticking to just a few places. And so, despite my preference for having a multitude of establishments to frequent, I chose to give it a go.

It didn’t take long to notice the influence that I was having on people’s lives. Not only did I develop relationships with people working in these establishments, but also with those who were frequent customers. Many times, the topic of discussion turned to “why Jesus?” and “why did I become a pastor?” And the other person always initiated these discussions.

So [Paul] reasoned in the synagogue with both Jews and God-fearing Greeks, as well as in the marketplace day by day with those who happened to be there. Acts 17:17

Ordinary Time is a fitting time to consider: How may I, like Paul, be intentional with where I spend my time?

Loving Father, may you give us hearts and minds to embrace a missional mindset that longs to go deep with the few you have called us to. We look forward to developing these relationships with anticipation of how you will bless their lives as well as our own. Amen.

David Borum, Associate Pastor
Kenockee, MI, US

4 thoughts on “Devotional—Narrow Your Focus”

  1. Dear David, I just thanked God for you and your missional heart. I love your prayer. I just followed you in praying for our ministry to the few in our community. You share God, who is love, revealed in Jesus Christ, and the grace others may receive and share. Grace upon grace upon grace…like waves of the ocean washing over us.

  2. Embracing a missional mindset by „ narrowing down the places where we eat, study have coffee, etc. The consistency enables us to develop meaningful relationships in those places“. This is wonderful tactical advice!

  3. Thanks, David! It’s so good to hear from you. I appreciate your insight about focusing on a few places of connection with people we can come to know better as we share the love of Jesus. The Holy Spirit will open people’s minds to yearn for more about Him.

  4. Thank you David for a twist on the expansion on missional definition. I agree with kdub31445 about the waves of Grace and to be “washed” daily by The love of God.

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