GCI Update
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Healthy Church—Missional Engagement

Members in Papua New Guinea (PNG) are showing generosity to their community even when resources are scarce. The woman’s ministry is creating Billum bags and selling them to raise money to help support their neighbors. They donate the funds to neighbors who have funeral expenses, and they express love and support to the families who are grieving.

GCI provides pastoral oversight for congregations in Mt. Wilhelm and Port Moresby. Infrastructure development at the Mt. Wilhelm facility has included the installation of solar power for the church-owned buildings in this remote part of the central highlands. This solar power allows the local congregation to host events after dark as a way to serve and bless neighboring villages, which have no electric power.

Their missional activities include water, agriculture, and income projects in tandem with biblical education and personal development for the entire community. They also held a children’s camp in July. Read more here.

In July, the PNG church celebrated Pastors Richard Kindi and Ben Galwa for 10 years of service. They were presented with certificates during a wonderful service with communion.

Pastors Richard and Ben have shown great pastoral care for the members by guiding them through difficult times, like COVID. And they have shown leadership during this challenging year for the entire country. The country has experienced looting, tribal war in the Enga province, and fear and suspicion of witchcraft. Women can be blamed for unexplained deaths and accused of witchcraft. If a woman is believed to be a witch, she is often murdered.

In March, widespread flooding led to a landslide in Chimbu province that caused incredible property damage, and 23 people died. Pastor Ben Galwa’s house was also affected.

Please join us in praying for our GCI family in PNG.

Note: The GCI Disaster Relief Fund helps provide members in disaster areas with emergency needs.

If your congregation would like to donate to the fund, you can set up a one-time donation through GCI Online Giving (https://www.gci.org/online-giving/) by selecting “Give for Disaster Relief” under the drop-down menu.

If your congregation prefers to send a check, make it out to Grace Communion International, indicating clearly on the memo line that the donation is for the GCI Disaster Relief Fund.

Send the donation to:
GCI Disaster Relief Fund
Grace Communion International
3120 Whitehall Park Dr.
Charlotte, NC 28273

Thank you for your prayers and financial contributions to help members of the GCI family who are suffering.

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