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Healthy Church—Neighborhood Camps

Papua New Guinea

In Mt. Wilhelm, a children’s camp was held in July over two days involving activities such as volleyball and a talent show. The theme for the children’s camp was “Let the little children come to me.” (Mark 10:14).

The youth wanted to have a LifeClub for teaching public speaking. This will help the young people in their job interviews as well as preparing emerging leaders in the church. Next year, another two-day youth camp, including a LifeClub, is eagerly anticipated.

Sun Valley, California, US

This past month we had a great experience with the 3-day neighborhood camp that our local congregation hosted. We had 39 children ages 4-11 participate in the day camp. It was a fun time for all the children with all types of games and fun activities. But most importantly, it afforded us the opportunity to build relationships with some families from our neighborhood. In the weeks after the day camp, we have had two families continue to attend our Sunday services with the expectation that they will continue to attend.

Summer day camps are a great way to demonstrate the gospel in our neighborhoods in a way that creates bridges into the community and provides opportunities to live out the mission of God in ways that often lead to making disciples.

Heber Ticas, Superintendent of Latin America
Sun Valley, CA, US




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