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Devotional—Reflecting on Ordinary Time

It’s hard to believe we are coming to the end of Ordinary Time, which began in June. We began Ordinary Time after rehearsing that God is saving and reconciling us through Jesus’ birth, life, death, resurrection, and ascension and by giving us His Spirit. We did this through Advent and Christmas, Easter Prep and Easter, and Pentecost. After so many celebrations, we can arrive at this time in the worship calendar and wonder, what now?

That’s why we decided, through this Ordinary Time series, to talk about “what now.” Our aim was to reflect on participating with Jesus in His mission to build His church. We hoped to reckon with the challenges of loving our neighbors and to wrestle with the questions that don’t have easy solutions.

We hope you’ll enjoy a look back at some of the questions from our Ordinary Time devotionals.

How do I cultivate belonging when my neighbors don’t appear to want to connect?

What does an ordinary life that is being transformed by Jesus look like?

How can I lead and serve from a place of healing?

Am I in the right place and doing my part?

How can we live life together to exemplify the Trinity’s mission to all humanity, making the gospel relevant to our diverse communities?

How may I, like Paul “in the marketplace,” be intentional with where I spend my time?

How is Jesus encountering you “at the well,” in whatever problem, sorrow, need, painful past, sickness, or anxiety you are experiencing?

What does it mean to live for a missional God?

What’s next?