GCI Update
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A Look Back—2024 Highlights

Here are some top GCI resources from 2024. These are meaningful resources you may want to bookmark so you can refer to them all year.

  1. Healthy Denomination – this President letter highlights our journey toward becoming a healthy church, grounded in hope, love, and faith. It encourages us to continue growing in worship, outreach, and discipleship. This is a timely reminder of how far we’ve come and the exciting future ahead in 2025.
  2. Meet Members from Across GCI – GCI Testify highlights the transformative power of Christ’s love through personal testimonies from members around the world. It showcases the Spirit’s impact in and through GCI, offering powerful stories of faith that inspire and encourage deeper trust in Jesus.
  3. Why Do We Gather? – This video is a powerful reminder of the joy and renewal that come from gathering as a church community. It encourages us to value our unity in Christ and the deeper connection with God and one another that results from worship and fellowship, making it a meaningful reflection for a year-end review.
  4. Ghana’s 50th Anniversary Jubilee – A milestone in GCI marking five decades of God’s grace in the region. The event featured a week of worship, leadership conferences, and cultural highlights, with participants from across Africa.
  5. A Lament – Our most-read devotional this year calls us to reflect on how we have fallen short in embodying justice, mercy, and humility, as instructed in Micah 6:8. This powerful prayer invites us to repent, seek God’s image in others, and become agents of healing and restoration
  6. Faces from the Home Office – Get to know members of our Finance Department in the Home Office.
    1. Rose Hamrick – Join Dr. Greg Williams, President of GCI, as he speaks with Rose Hamrick, GCI’s Chief Financial Officer. Together, they reflect on Rose’s path to her current role, exploring how her faith, family, and past experiences have uniquely prepared her for this chapter.
    2. Robert Meade – In this episode, GCI President Dr. Greg Williams sits down with GCI Comptroller Robert Meade. Robert discusses his role within the denomination and shares insights into his work.
  7. Jesus’ New Ministry – GCI Equipper – This feature article from Equipper, our monthly e-zine for pastors and ministry leaders, examines Jesus’ mission and its call to live out the Kingdom of God today. Subscribe to Equipper
  8. Home Church US Connection – Discover how the Home Church US provides worship and spiritual support to members without access to a local congregation. You can subscribe to receive the weekly sermons. Sign up here!
  9. Art of Mentoring – This series, released in 2024, highlights the importance of mentoring relationships in fostering growth and leadership across generations. It showcases how mentoring helps develop strong connections in faith and discipleship. This is a timely revisit for members who want to deepen their spiritual journey and explore ways to empower others through mentoring.