Dear GCI Family and Friends,
As we approach the end of 2024, there’s much to give thanks for in our shared journey. In the U.S., we came together for face-to-face regional gatherings (the first live gathering of this nature since before the Covid pandemic). It was a time to hug necks and rejoin the deep relationships that we have enjoyed for many years. This year was also a time to face difficult realities about the state of our congregations, and we made needed changes related to what congregations can be chartered, and served accordingly, as we go forward into 2025.
Another significant change that is under way in the United States is moving from the regional structure to a U.S. National Ministry Team, whose purpose is to serve our pastors and congregations in meaningful ways that can put legs to the vision for Healthy Church. We are prayerfully hopeful.
I am encouraged by the remarkable ways the Spirit is at work in and through GCI, moving us forward in unity and purpose. The resiliency and supportive attitude of GCI pastors and members amazes me. Thank you!
The triune God is faithful in our midst. Jesus Christ, the head of the church has much in store for us. I caught a glimpse of this at the Dream Huddle event held at our Ministry Training Center in Surrey Hills, O.K. Church planters, pastors of church mergers, and leaders of church relaunches gathered to share what we have been learning. We discussed how we can be supportive of each other as the Lord reshapes and rebuilds GCI in the U.S. Once again, I am prayerfully hopeful.
I am very encouraged by my visits and interactions with our international leaders as well. This past year, I collaborated with our Australasian Superintendent Daphne Sidney who is leading more than thirty participants in the Christian Discipleship Program. Their journey of learning and growing together has great promise. I joined New Zealand Regional Director Dennis Richards and Pastors Frank and Emily Boyd from Fiji as they hosted their Avenue Champions for a two-day workshop. It was inspiring to see their focus and intentionality as they join Jesus in His ministry to their island nation. I rounded out my year joining Kalengule Kaoma, Superintendent of Africa, and his team of regional directors in Ghana. The church in Ghana celebrated its 50-year anniversary, but with the level of energy and enthusiasm expressed it’s like they are just getting started.
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Gratitude is not only the greatest of the virtues, but the parent of all of the others – Cicero (106–43bc)
When we let our light shine, we glorify God.