Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
New website
Today we are excited to announce a completely new denominational website at This work has been going on for many months behind the scenes, with the “heavy lifting” being done by the IT staff and a local web developer (Urban Insight). The result is a cleaner, more modern site to share what God is doing through Grace Communion International.
The original website served us well for over 15 years (several eons in computer time), but it became increasingly difficult to keep it consistent and to take advantage of new technologies. The new website is built on a free, open source framework called Drupal, which is widely used because of its versatility, stability, security, and ability to add features easily. Like all websites, what you see today is only a starting point. There will be a number of changes in the coming months. For example, we are aware the search function is not yet working, but it should be shortly.
We will officially announce to all users and reroute to it in a couple weeks. However, we want to give you this preview of the website to share with your members and anyone else. Also, please ask your webmaster to change any links on your local website from to
After visiting the site, please give us your feedback. Click here to answer a one question survey comparing the new site with the old, and/or click here if you want to pass on any comments.
Cabner Virgile will be serving as a pastoral trainee under Paul David Kurts, senior pastor of New Beginnings, our Hickory, North Carolina, congregation.

Since becoming a member of GCI in Queens, New York, in 1985, Cabner has served as worship leader, men’s ministry leader, small group leader, and fund raising leader. He sensed God’s calling to vocational ministry ten to twelve years ago and decided to attend the Community Bible Institute and Seminary in Brooklyn, New York, where he completed his Bachelor of Theology and Bachelor of Religious Education degrees. He is now working towards a Master of Ministry at the Queen City Bible College in Charlotte, NC.
A hearty welcome to Cabner, his wife Maria, and their fourteen-year-old daughter Laura!
Kalengule Kaoma sent this report:
On April 9, 2009, I travelled to Isoka, a small town in the Northern Province of Zambia in response to a phone call from one of the leaders of the congregation I planted in 1998. In 2006, this congregation had resigned because of changes in the worship calendar. Late February, Patrice Sinyenga, one of the leaders of the congregation, called and invited me to visit the congregation “because the brethren and leadership” had a lot to discuss. Because my schedule was full and due to Nsama’s ill health, I could not make it until April 9, but now we can praise and thank our God that the congregation is back! On April 10, we were 56 in attendance. On the 11th, I baptised ten people and welcomed to GCI five others who had received baptisms in other denominations. We had a big welcome back celebration with great rejoicing.
The Shack
Our friend, William Paul Young, author of The Shack, has seen his book reach another milestone. As of May 2, 2010, it has spent 100 consecutive weeks on the New York Times bestseller list with more than 50 weeks at #1. It has also been on Publishers Weekly and USA Today bestseller lists for the same period of time.
There are more than twelve million copies in print (ten million copies in the United States and more than two million in foreign translations). To date, there have been 76 total printings (all formats), according to Brad Cummings, president of Windblown Media.
The Shack is fast becoming an international phenomenon, as well. It is being translated into 36 foreign languages and has already become a bestseller in several countries including Brazil, Germany, Canada, the U.K., South Africa, and South Korea. Brazilian publisher Editora Sextante reports that it has printed more than 2 million copies.
William Young has been interviewed on our You’re Included program.
Curtis and Jannice May were guests of honor on April 24, 2010, for the Grace of God Fellowship annual dinner dance at Viscount Suites Hotel in Tucson, Arizona. On Sunday, Curtis gave the sermon on Renewal and Reconciliation.
PHOTO: Jannice & Curtis May, Pastor Ted & Lila Millhuff, Pastor Tom & Michelle Landess.
Pastoral Opening
As you read in last week’s update, we have lost our brother, fellow servant and Baltimore pastor Peter Whitting. We all continue to pray for comfort for his family and the congregation, and we are now faced with the task of finding a new pastor to serve in Baltimore. If you or someone you know is interested in this full-time ministry position, please contact Charles Albrecht via e-mail at or by phone at 626.650.2330.
Prayer Requests and Updates
Patama Banks
Patama Banks, wife of Pastor Leonard Banks of our Rochester, New York, congregation, underwent heart surgery January 22 followed by a second surgical procedure January 26. Her heart is functioning well now but she continues to suffer intense lower abdomen pain. They have made several trips to the emergency rooms hoping to discover the cause for the pain. Doctors recently concluded that they need to remove Patama’s gall bladder and examine her small intestine, but they won’t operate until July as additional surgery would be too risky until she’s fully recovered from the heart surgery. Leonard is asking for prayer for pain relief and rest. They haven’t had a full night’s rest since January.
Cards may be sent to:
40 Fountain St
Rochester, NY 14620-1902
Karen Albrecht
From Greg Albrecht: Thursday, May 6, Karen had surgery at USC University Hospital in Los Angeles for cancer in the lymph nodes of her neck. Ironically, the surgery was for the same cancer, in the same hospital, with the same surgeon, which took place almost eight years ago. However, this time the cancer was on the other side of her neck. Her surgeon removed a golf ball sized tumor from her neck, and feels that he removed all cancer that was present. Our entire family thanks God for his peace, comfort and healing. As Karen recovers and her surgical wounds heal we will be having follow up consultations about where we go from here. While we specifically request that no general announcements or prayer requests be made, we appreciate the prayers of the readers of the Weekly Pastor’s Update.
David Fiedler
Please remember Dave Fiedler, who must undergo a second surgery for a detached retina. The recovery is very unpleasant as it involves having to lie face down without getting up for two weeks. Your prayers for a successful surgery and complete healing would be much appreciated!
Cards may be sent to:
20389 Strawline Road
Bend, OR 97702-2627
Remember that prayer is the battleground where we fight the good fight of faith. Let’s encourage everyone to join together in prayer, for we belong to Christ, and by the Spirit it is in Christ that we pray. Prayer and other spiritual activities help keep our hearts in tune with God and remind us of who we are in Christ. He is our all in all, and in him we are eternally beloved of the Father and blessed to share his good news with others.
Love from my family to yours,
Joseph Tkach