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Healthy Church—Connect Groups

GCI has many resources on the Faith Avenue and connect groups. Check them all out here.

Below are just a few we hope you find helpful.

Connect Group Facilitator’s Guide

From the On Being series, the Being the Church curriculum

Discipleship Pathways, select the “Believe” tab

Church Hack—Connect Groups

Read on for examples of what it can look like in the local church.

Richardson, TX, US

We believe the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are in a divine relationship and this relationship is foundational to our understanding of God’s nature and how God interacts with the world. I believe that we can experience this aspect of God’s kingdom here on earth when we are in relationships, and it is easier to relate in smaller gatherings. I believe connect groups are a key to staying healthy as a church.

Our face-to-face community connect groups are currently following a curriculum, called Rooted Network. One group meets weekly on Tuesdays in a member’s home; the other group meets bi-monthly after Sunday services. We found that food adds excitement and fun, whether assigned or potluck.

The members of the group have a copy of the study guide to follow with personal daily devotionals. When the group meets, someone is assigned to facilitate. The strongest impact has been going through a guided personal daily devotional. We meditate on them and journal in our quiet time, and then share in a safe group, celebrating together our experiences and encounters with God with a common theme. The regular devotionals and group sharing enhances so much the awareness of God’s reality in us. We are able to feel God and to affirm each other of our experiences. This enhances our worship, our personal disposition, how we relate to others, and how we interact in our communities and workplace.

Jared Santibanez, Faith Avenue Champion
Richardson, TX, US





Steele Creek, NC, US

In June and July, Pastor Dishon Mills and I facilitated the Bearing Fruit small group with members of Grace Communion Steele Creek. We convened over Zoom, and five members who live near one another gathered and dialed in from one member’s home.

Pastor Dishon taught the group how spiritual formation involves bearing inward fruit through the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23), how we bear fruit in community through the gifts of the Spirit (Romans 12), and outward fruit through the activity of the Spirit (Acts 2:42-27). The outcome of inward, outward, and community fruit development is equipping for ministry and mission, a new humanity, and jubilee.

We discovered our spiritual gifts by taking a gift assessment and reading about our gifts in Discover Your Gifts and Learn How to Use Them by Alvin J. Vander Griend. We also learned spiritual practices like Contemplative/Imaginative Prayer, the Examen of Consciousness, and creating a Rule of Life

Psalm 1:3 says that we who love God’s teachings are “ . . . like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither — whatever they do prospers.” This team-based, pastor-led expression of healthy church equipped members as the Lord’s orchard. We spread the aroma of his kingdom, and the fruit we bear in and through him allows our neighbors to taste and see that the Lord is good (Psalm 34:8).

Afrika Afeni Mills, Faith Avenue Champion
Steele Creek, NC, US





Pasadena, CA, US

We have two virtual connect groups that meet over Zoom every week, and this started during COVID. One participant said her trust in the Lord has grown as we continue studying who Jesus is. Others have said we wish we could have this connect group every day because this is life truth that we need to be reminded of every day because we tend to forget. We observe participants changing the way they think and diligently studying God’s word.

If this is the fruit of Zoom meetings, I trust that face to face will have an even greater impact because we can extend fellowship, pray, and bond in person. Our congregation is praying that God may send us new contacts and start building relationship and from there, have another in-person connect group.

There are many opportunities, so we need to be ready where God will lead us and be intentional in sharing Jesus who the world needs to know. My husband, Saddie, and I are on-site managers for a housing complex with almost 40 residents. We are hoping and praying to have a connect group here in the fall. Please join us in this prayer.

Angie Tabin, Pastor
Pasadena, CA, US

Healthy Church—Neighborhood Camps

Ladson, SC, US

Our congregation organized its annual Summer Camp in June, drawing in a majority of returning campers from the previous year. Nineteen enthusiastic participants relished three days filled with enjoyable activities, fostering both existing bonds and forming new friendships. Guided by the central theme of “Being an Everyday Hero,” campers delved into exploring the fruits of the Spirit. They creatively demonstrated the transformative power of these virtues through small skits, showing how ordinary individuals can embody heroism in their daily lives.

In addition to this focus, campers engaged in a diverse array of activities, such as a stimulating field trip, engaging games, and a day filled with refreshing water-based activities. The culmination of the camp experience occurred on Sunday when the campers shared with the congregation their reflections and anticipation for future camps.

Mary Robinson, Love Avenue Champion
Ladson, SC, US




Appleton, WI, US

This year, we had 12 campers ages 6-9 participate in our Good Neighbor Day Camp. The campers enjoyed their time participating in story time, STEM projects, rock painting, watercolor painting, air hockey, and foosball. Each day ended with water games outside.

We are blessed with a good relationship with the elementary school across the street from our church building. The school officials distributed our flyers to the appropriate grade levels promoting our day camp before the summer break. They also gave us permission to use their field for various activities. All the campers wished that the event was longer.

Becky Deuel, Pastor
Appleton, WI, US



Surrey Hills, OK, US

Camp Surrey was incredible this year. We had 72 campers from kindergarten to 7th grade and 73 staff members! Our theme was “Survivor,” and the camp was filled with team challenges, crafts, performing arts, rock climbing, kayaking, and so much more!

It was a wonderful 3-day experience followed by a phenomenal family day where mini-campers performed the dance they learned throughout camp! We had about 200 in attendance.

This year was a blessing in the number of staff that volunteered. Their hearts to love on these kiddos and to take the time off work and away from their lives to join Jesus in what he’s doing in the lives of these neighborhood kiddos is inspiring. It sure made for a great all-camp photo!

We are looking forward to next year’s camp, “Glow.” We are grateful for the prayers and support.

Ceeja Malmkar, Associate Pastor
Surrey Hills, OK, US




North Luzon, Philippines

For four days in July, SEP Camp — North Luzon welcomed 76 campers and 50 staff. The theme was “Woven,” based on Colossians 2:2-4.

Watch the camp slideshow. And view more photos here: SEP – North Luzon 2024

Devotional—Embrace His Missional Power

From the dawn of creation, the triune God has demonstrated a passionate mission for all humanity created in his image. God fully trusts and empowers us, his body, with this mission — let us truly embody that mission.

This redemption song of God echoes through the ages, centered on the perfected humanity of Jesus. We can embrace the beautiful verses of this eternal song in the first chapter of Ephesians — the blessings he has given his people to empower his mission.

Let’s sing his mission anthems and rhythms in communion and worship and live out his inclusive mission to all people in our lives and fellowships.

How can we live life together to exemplify the Trinity’s mission to all humanity, making the gospel relevant to our diverse communities?

Perhaps this is the missing ingredient to make Ordinary Time truly extraordinary. Therefore, let’s embrace Christ’s promises and power for the church and join his missional journey without fear or favor.

I pray that you will know that the blessings God has promised his holy people are rich and glorious. And you will know that God’s power is very great for us who believe. That power is the same as the great strength God used to raise Christ from death and put him at his right side in heaven.

God put everything under his power. And God made him the head over everything for the church. The church is Christ’s body. The church is filled with Christ, and Christ fills everything in every way. Ephesians 1:18b-20, 22-23 International Children’s Bible (ICB)

Lord, may your overwhelming love of redemption and mission motivate us through this time. We embrace the honor and urgency of our adoption as your cherished children. We are thankful we can live your mission in boldness to be co-heirs and coworkers in your redemptive and inclusive mission to all people. Amen.

John Newsom, Pastor
Queens, NY, US

Know Your Enemy

Greg and Susan Williams
Greg and Susan Williams

Dear GCI Family and Friends,

My pastor recently gave a sermon about Jesus the great shepherd from John 10. He emphasized how Jesus loves us, pursues us (even leaving the 99 to come after us), and saves us. Then he emphasized how important it is for us to listen and recognize the voice of our shepherd. Thank God we have this wonderful shepherd in Jesus.

In this same passage, Jesus says that there is a thief. This thief’s motives are to steal, kill, and destroy. The apostle Peter makes a similar reference in his letter to the church.

Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. (1 Peter 5:8 NIV)

If our enemy is on the prowl and seeking to devour and destroy us, it behooves us to understand his tactics, and then to be sober-minded and alert. Deception, division and distraction are his best and most-often-used tools.


The apostle John, who identifies the devil as a thief, gives us more insight.

You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies. (John 8:44 NIV)

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Prayer Guide—August 2024

“In prayer, real prayer, we begin to think God’s thoughts after Him: to desire the things He desires, to love the things He loves, to will the things He wills.” — Richard J. Foster

Through prayer, we connect with the heart of God and the needs of God’s people. Download the August Prayer Guide and unite with us in prayer.

Click here or the image below to see the full prayer guide.

Would you like to receive this Prayer Guide straight to your email inbox before the first of the month? Sign up here.

Death of Sudhir Singh

Dr. Sudhir C. Singh, one of the founding members of GCI India, died on April 30, 2024. He was 82 years old. He retired as Medical Officer from Saurashtra Chemicals, Gujarat. He was a prolific writer and had a witty sense of humor. He was part of the GCI India editorial team, and he contributed many spiritually enriching articles. GCI India cherishes the beautiful memories of Dr. Sudhir Singh and celebrates his life. He is survived by his wife, Sheeba Singh, a son, a daughter-in-law, and a grandson.

Celebrating 50 Years

L to R: Daphne Sidney, Bob and Kathy Regazzoli, Greg Williams

Congratulations on 50 years of service and participation!

Pastor Bob and Kathy Regazzoli, of Carina, Queensland, Australia, were honoured last month for their 50 years of devoted service to Jesus and his church. They were celebrated and acknowledged before the congregation for their many years of dedication to ministry in GCI. True partners in ministry, Kathy and Bob were also celebrating their fiftieth wedding anniversary.

Bob and Kathy, thank you for your faithfulness, and may God continue to bless your participation.

Healthy Church—Neighborhood Camps

Richardson, Texas, US

GC Richardson’s Neighborhood Camp hosted 22 campers, two teen helpers, and 25 adult volunteers for three days in June. With a medieval theme dubbed “Skills Faire,” we focused on becoming “more than conquerors through Christ” (Romans 8:37). Volunteers taught 16 skills including robotics, first aid, cooking, drawing, bicycle maintenance, sign language, soldering and electronics, flipbook animation, arm knitting, graphic design. Indoor and outdoor activities included ping pong, basketball, kites, water games, Hula-Hoop, and creative imagination station.

Our twice-daily spirit rallies focused on relational skills for conquering conflict, anxiety, and fear, and pursuing unity, peace, and trust. Devotional and fun, spirit rallies pointed to Jesus as the one through whom we are more than conquerors, the one who gives us victory as we face life’s challenges.

Campers and parents said they are looking forward to next year and hope for more camp days to be added. Skills camp provided opportunity for both learning and fun! We thank Father, Son and Spirit for the time, talents and resources God provided that made camp possible.

Christine Ojih, Camp Director
Richardson, TX, US





Big Sandy, Texas, US

Seventeen campers (9 teens and 8 mini-campers), along with 23 staff members, enjoyed three days of challenging fun at GC Big Sandy in June. Each day started with a yummy lunch and included an afternoon snack. Camp ended at 5 pm on Thursday and Friday. At the end of the camp activities on Saturday, we hosted a spaghetti dinner for the campers’ families. Forty-one were present for the delicious meal professionally served by the teen campers

Each day after lunch, I shared a short devotional corresponding to the camp theme of “The Great Adventure!” Also, the mini-campers had fun learning about the seven days of creation in Genesis. Activities included team challenges, crafts, and outdoor play, including water games.

Our Love Avenue team did a great job in planning this year’s neighborhood camp! God blessed us with many special opportunities to get to know one another and bless the young people and their families in our neighborhood.

Jerome Ellard, Pastor
Big Sandy, TX, US

Healthy Church—Strategic Retreats

For information on preparing a strategic planning retreat for your ministry team, read this Equipper article.

Leaders’ Retreat Focused on Missions, Australia

During President Dr. Greg Williams’ visit in May, we had the joy of holding a Vision Pastors & young leaders’ retreat. The Superintendent for Latin America and National Coordinator for Church Multiplication, Heber Ticas, also joined us. This culminated in the Sunday worship service where Greg gave the sermon and an update on the church in the U.S.

Discussions at the retreat centered around missions. Topics included:

      • The Harmonious Flow
      • Understanding Mission
      • Outside the Walls
      • Healthy Church Multiplication and Church Planting

The sessions were interspersed with enjoyable activities and fellowship, along with delicious meals. Matt Sianidis led us in meaningful worship on his guitar. Having a retreat such as this provided a pleasant and relaxed environment conducive to getting to know one another and strengthening relationships. At the end of the day, everything is built around relationships, our loving relationships with God and with one another — the basis of all missions and all that we do.

Daphne Sidney, Superintendent of Australasia
Logan, Queensland, Australia




Hope Avenue Team, Hyderabad, India

A one-day Hope Avenue retreat was conducted for all the worship team members in the Hyderabad congregation. Our focus was “What does it mean to be a true worshipper and a disciple of Christ as a worship team member?”

As Jesus’ disciples in this ministry, we stressed how we are called to continually train, teach, and equip one another and the congregation as we lead from the front unto excellence for the Lord. Using Galatians 2:20 as a guide, we looked at these four areas of equipping.

F- Faithful to the Lord and our calling
A- Available to this cause
T- Teachable to learn and grow, to take correction where needed
E- Enthusiastic, passionately committed to this ministry

Practical tips and exercises were included, such as breathwork and pronunciation. We also emphasized the importance of being well-versed with the scriptures and living a prayer-filled life.
We had a breakout activity by our group: musicians, worship leaders, and back-up vocals. With the help of assigned verses, we answered the following questions and then presented our conclusions to the team.

        • Who we are?
        • Why are we on the worship team (our roles and responsibilities)?
        • What is our role on a weekly basis to the congregation?

The workshop produced enthusiasm, renewed harmony, and joy of serving the Lord. The presentations by the three groups were insightful and practical, as well as enriching in the Lord. We ended with a deliberate and purposeful extended time of prayer.

By Pastor Sachin Nirale, Shanti Nirale, Pastor Praveen Chinta, the GCI-India Editorial Team

Excerpted, with permission, from the GCI India Newsletter. You can request to be added to the subscription list of this quarterly newsletter by emailing office@gcind.org.



Devotional—Stand Firm

As disciples living out the great commission given by Jesus, there will come a time when we need to be encouraged. Living life on this journey during “ordinary” time, we may find ourselves sometimes lost in the everyday life of this discipleship walk. Loving our neighbor can be difficult, especially if we allow our God-given differences to interfere.

More than ever, we need to remember: It is all about Jesus, period. Knowing that God is always working allows us to view our moments of participation with gratitude and humility. It is indeed an honor to take part in the work being done on earth.

However, we will find that there will be occasions of quiet and silence. We will begin to wonder, am I in the right place? Am I doing my part? Are you still using me, Lord? Let us take these times to remind ourselves not to fear the silence. In these times we need to stand firm in the faith.

The waiting and silence are part of the process. As disciples we need to be ready for the next thing. We are right where we should be as we put the Lord first in all things and do all in love. May it all be to his glory.

Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong. Do everything in love. 1 Corinthians 16:13-14

Lord, as we wait in the quiet times we will continue to trust you. Please work in and through us in all things. Lord, we thank you for having us pause, listen, and wait for the next direction. As we wait, help us through the power of the Holy Spirit to stand firm in the faith. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

Tamar Gray, Pastor
Cleveland, OH, US