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Devotional: God of Second Chances

Jonah 3:1-5: Then the word of the Lord came to Jonah a second time: 2 “Go to the great city of Nineveh and proclaim to it the message I give you.” 3 Jonah obeyed the word of the Lord and went to Nineveh. Now Nineveh was a very large city; it took three days to go through it. 4 Jonah began by going a day’s journey into the city, proclaiming, “Forty more days and Nineveh will be overthrown.” 5 The Ninevites believed God. A fast was proclaimed, and all of them, from the greatest to the least, put on sackcloth.

The book of Jonah is a story about second chances. For the Ninevites, yes, with God delivering them from destruction out of his abundant love. But also a second chance for Jonah himself.

By the time we encounter Jonah in chapter 3, he had received God’s command to go to Nineveh and call them to repentance. We know he was unwilling to preach the message of salvation to Israel’s enemies, that he had run away from God, was caught in a storm, thrown into the sea, and swallowed by a great fish. But God delivered Jonah and here we see the word of the Lord coming to him a second time.

God wanted Jonah to be part of his redemptive work. Not because he could not accomplish it without Jonah, but because he was also concerned with restoring Jonah’s heart. God was not deterred by Jonah’s disobedience. Instead, God pursued him, saved him from death, and gave Jonah the commission anew: Go and proclaim the message I give you.

From Jonah’s story, we see that despite our shortcomings, stubbornness, and begrudging heart, the Lord can still use us in his work of saving and transforming lives. In the midst of the uncertainty and suffering around us today, we recognize the need for people to receive the hope of salvation and to experience God’s kindness and mercy in tangible ways.

If you think you are not good enough for God to use – not ready enough, loving enough, or “holy” enough – think again. If you have been in ministry but you have grown lukewarm or fallen short, God is not done with you yet. Take the chances you are given. We all have a role to play in bearing Jesus to the world – where is he telling you to go?

Prayer: Thank you Lord, that you are not limited by our shortcomings to fulfill your purposes. Create in us an obedient and compassionate heart to proclaim the gospel and be expressions of your relentless love to those in need.



By Joyce Tolentino
Mandaluyong, Philippines

Devotional: The Sparks of Disagreement

“As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.” (Proverbs 27:17)

Twice in the past week two people have quoted this verse to me and pointed out the reality of iron sharpening iron. This verse, which is often quoted in sermons, article and books, is often used in reference to people spending time together in a connect group or in fellowship together. “How can we grow together unless we spend time together, after all, iron sharpens iron…” We often think in terms of rubbing off on each other—sharing the good things with each other.

What we fail to focus on is that when iron sharpens iron, friction occurs and sparks fly. The truth is, iron sharpening iron is not always a pleasant experience. People disagree with you. People get upset with each other and sparks fly. Things are sometime said that shouldn’t be said—or in a manner or tone that is less than graceful. Tempers can raise, voices can raise, friction occurs and sparks fly. And this is what the Scripture is telling us. These things are part of growing together in grace and truth.

Relationships are important for many reasons. They help fill a basic human need and they give us opportunity to love and share life with others. Relationships without friction and sparks might not be as healthy as one might think. It may surprise some to hear that Cheryl and I have disagreements. (Tongue firmly implanted in cheek.) She is not a mini-me and I am not a mini-her. We are two different people with different backgrounds, who grew up in different environments, who had different learning experiences and who—hold your breath—have different opinions about things. As a result, in some of our discussions friction occurs and sparks fly. And not every disagreement ends in perfect peace, we simply agree to disagree. However, and this is vital, we choose to not be disagreeable. There is a significant difference. Our goal is to love each other, to grow in our marriage, to understand each other better. Neither one of us is disagreeable—defined as being unfriendly and bad tempered. In our 36 years of marriage we have experienced iron sharpening iron, and I can say with conviction that I love Cheryl much more now than I did when we first married; she can say the same.

There are two other verses in Proverbs 27 that reinforce this principle.

  • “Better is open rebuke than hidden love.” (Verse 5)
  • “Wounds from a friend can be trusted, but an enemy multiplies kisses.” (Verse 6)

Healthy relationships grow when we listen and seek to understand why someone disagrees—when we focus on the other rather than on the disagreement. Relationships grow when we try to see things from another’s point of view and choose to not be offended when someone doesn’t immediately agree with us or struggles to understand our point of view.

I would suggest that God is never put off when we disagree—and let’s be honest, we often do. Why didn’t you heal this person? Why didn’t you answer that prayer? Why didn’t I get that job? God, I disagree with your decision. God, I wish you weren’t so far removed from me. God, why don’t you take care of these people who bother me? God why aren’t you more involved?

The Psalms are full of David asking those very questions of God. God why didn’t you.., why won’t you…, why aren’t you… These questions don’t bother God because they are part of the friction of iron sharpening iron. David might not agree, we might not agree, but we are not being disagreeable.

And here’s the key: When it comes to our relationship with Father, Son and Sprit, God is always the one doing the sharpening. But notice, he does it by becoming like us. He becomes the iron that will sharpen us. He rubs off on us. He seeks to make us stronger, sharper, better. And while some of that sharpening causes friction, and there are sparks, we know the end result is good. In the end, we are sharpened into what God intends us to be.

Prayer: Lord, thank you for loving me enough to not be concerned about the friction and the sparks in our relationship. Thank you for dedicating yourself to mold me into whatever it is you want me to be. Thank you for putting up with my disagreements, and patiently helping me see things your way and to trust you. I may not like the friction and the sparks, but I know they are the result of your unconditional love. Thank you!


Rick Shallenberger
Regional Director USA, North Central



April 2021 Prayer Guide

“To pray is to accept that we are, and always will be, wholly dependent on God for everything.” ― Timothy Keller

Join us in corporate prayer this month as we thank God for the good work he includes us in. Click the image below to download and print the April Prayer Guide, celebrating how God is working in and among our fellowships around the world.

Devotional: The Sufficiency of Christ

Such is the confidence that we have through Christ toward God. Not that we are sufficient in ourselves to claim anything as coming from us, but our sufficiency is from God. (2 Cor 3:5).

Paul, in his attempt to defend his right to be a minister for the gospel, highlights a significant point that all Christians will do well to heed. He boldly proclaims that the sufficiency of his credentials to serve in the ministry is Jesus Christ himself. He does not appeal to his Hebraic pedigree or his rabbinic tutelage under Gamaliel but rests his confidence solely in Christ. Far from boasting in any kind of self-sufficiency that comes from within himself, he attributes any and all of his accomplishments as a result of the working of God in his life.

What credentials do we appeal to when we may need to prove our discipleship or spirituality? Do we tend to get blinded by our own achievements and success that we are unable to see the need for continuing divine direction and sustenance? God’s call, whether to be a disciple of Christ or a leader in Christ’s ministry, cannot be fulfilled in our own strength. Christ reminds us that “without me you can do nothing.” We do not have the sufficiency in ourselves. God’s power has no limits when he is acknowledged and invited to be our strength.

On the other hand, do we only see our insufficiency? Do we tend to get so discouraged by our lack and brokenness that we pull back and may be tempted to do nothing? Then, we need to recognize the enabling strength of Christ that empowers even in human weakness. May God grant us the humility to see that in our self-sufficiency we are nothing, as well as the confidence that, in our nothingness, we can still accomplish in the sufficiency that is from God.

Prayer: Our ever-loving Father, grant us the humility to see the futility of our self-sufficiency so that we may seek you and find strength in you. Give us also the confidence in Christ that we may step out in faith and accomplish in your name’s sake though we are but nothing. Amen.



By Danny Zachariah
National Director India
Regional Director Sub Continent India

Devotional: We Can

Matthew 20: 22 “You don’t know what you are asking,” Jesus said to them. “Can you drink the cup I am going to drink?” “We can,” they answered.

James and John believed they were ready for a more important job. They were looking for more authority and status. I am sure we can identify with the need to have more and to be more.

Our confidence in ourselves can be misleading when we follow our thoughts and desires. For this reason, it is imperative to turn over our plans, hopes, and dreams to the one who knows us best and is the Alpha and Omega.

When we place our trust in him, the words “we can” take on new meaning. We can because he is leading the way and doing it through us. We can because he did all the work so long ago. We can because he will equip us with all we need to succeed as we represent him.

Trust the Lord to promote you when he knows you are ready and not a moment before.

Prayer: Lord, we thank you for keeping us from getting ahead of you. Help us listen and learn as you prepare us for what you have in store. There is power in the words “we can” when we have the wisdom to trust you. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen


Tamar Gray


By Tamar Gray
Pastor, Grace Communion Cleveland


Devotional: Whose World Is It?

In the light of who Jesus is revealed to be, and what he has accomplished on our behalf that every person might share in his relationship with his Father by the Spirit (John 17:3, John 16:13-15), we must not underestimate the priority of the Who question. As “Christ”ians we don’t believe that just anyone could be and do who Jesus is and what he did in his birth, life, suffering and death, resurrection, ascension and coming again, right? We don’t believe that just anyone could achieve the same outcomes, Jesus is the unique and only begotten of the Father (John 3:16). He is the only human mediator between God and humanity (1 Tim. 2:5). He is the only one to whom every knee will bow and tongue confess that he is Lord, right? (Phil. 2:9-11). This Who is in contrast to the popular “What?”, “How?”, “When?”, “Where?” and “Why? questions that often claim priority. You know what I mean: What will be done about these troubling political and social issues!? How long will the world continue to suffer racial discrimination and injustice!? When will this physical, mental or emotional pain end? Where is the man or woman with the real leadership solution to this COVID mess, and why is it taking so long to get understood, organized and solved?

With that basic understanding of the good news (that Jesus – God himself – is our good news), do you see the qualitative difference the “whose” question can have on your faith, hope and loving? Regarding the politics and social issues of this world, whose world is it? Regarding all physical, mental and emotional pain, whose body and soul is it? With regard to COVID and the disturbance of death it has brought to far too many in this world, whose resurrection from death makes alive? I’m sure scriptures come to mind with regard to those questions, but let me conclude with one set that holds all these together at once:

“Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and the sea was no more. I also saw the holy city, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared like a bride adorned for her husband. Then I heard a loud voice from the throne: Look, God’s dwelling is with humanity, and he will live with them. They will be his peoples, and God himself will be with them and will be their God. He will wipe away every tear from their eyes. Death will be no more; grief, crying, and pain will be no more, because the previous things have passed away. Then the one seated on the throne said, “Look, I am making everything new.” He also said, “Write, because these words are faithful and true.” Then he said to me, “It is done! I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. I will freely give to the thirsty from the spring of the water of life. The one who conquers will inherit these things, and I will be his God, and he will be my son.”( Revevaltion 21:1-7 CSB)

Just so we’re clear, knowing whose world it is does not guarantee a life without troubles, pain or suffering for a time in this present evil age, (and that is why I included the reality of death here and now) but it is a sign of where things are headed because of whose world it is. So, whose troubles, pains and sufferings are they, really? Whose world is it? Whose _______ is it?



By Timothy Brassell
Baltimore, Maryland

Devotional: Signs of the Messiah

A photo of a homeless man sitting on the sidewalk with a sign saying "Homeless! A Little Helps a lot. Thank you, God bless. Prayers please!" A pedestrian is kneeling beside him petting his kitten and having a conversation with the homeless man.

During this season of Epiphany, we’ve seen in our readings in Mark’s Gospel the unfolding of a primary Epiphany theme—the revealing of Jesus’ identity. In 1:1-11, Mark declares Jesus to be the Messiah, God’s Son, by offering testimonies from John the Baptist, the Holy Spirit and God the Father. In 1:12-45, Mark then offers tangible proof of Jesus’ identity in several mighty acts (signs) performed by Jesus—ones that befit God’s Messiah. The first sign involves conquering Satan in the wilderness (v. 12). This is followed by multiple signs in which Jesus conquers Satan in everyday life: driving out an evil spirit (vv. 21-18); healing Peter’s mother-in-law (vv. 29-34); and healing a leper (vv. 40-45).

In 2:1-12, Mark adds the sign of Jesus healing a paralytic. Not only does Jesus heal the man of his disability, but seeing the man’s faith declares that his sins are forgiven. To the Jewish religious authorities, this is blasphemy. Nevertheless, Jesus declares that “the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins” (v.10), thus declaring himself equal with God.

To this list of messianic signs, Mark adds in 2:13-17 the calling of Levi (Matthew). Not only does Jesus cast out demons and heal sick bodies, but he also heals sick souls—even the soul of a tax collector, a person despised by Jews as traitorous, greedy, dishonest and immoral. Not only does Jesus call Levi to follow him—he has the audacity to go to dinner at Levi’s home where the guests include multiple tax collectors and assorted other sinners. To the religious authorities, Jesus has gone way too far! They ask his disciples why Jesus is behaving this way. Jesus overhears and answers by saying that just as it is expected that a doctor will associate with sick people, so it is appropriate (even necessary) for him to associate with sinners. After all, the whole purpose of his coming, in accordance with his true identity, is to call sinners to a new life with him (v. 17).

In this short, power-packed section of Mark we find multiple signs of the kingdom of God evident in Jesus’ person, words and actions. We might ask, are these signs seen in our churches? Do cheats, prostitutes and the lame flock to our churches and there find Jesus’ healing touch? Or do we react like the teachers of the law and shun such folks? Something to think about.


Our Father, today we proclaim again that Jesus is the Messiah, he is the Son of God our Savior. We are reminded of our calling to follow him—to be with him, sharing in what he is doing in his ongoing ministry of healing, restoring, blessing. We know that he is Messiah, not us, nevertheless, we are mindful that we are his disciples. Help us look to Jesus, follow where he leads, share in what he is doing in the power of the Holy Spirit. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.


Ted Johnston


by Ted Johnston

Devotional – Moved with Compassion

“But when he saw the crowds he was moved with compassion for them, because they were harassed, and cast away as sheep not having a shepherd.” (Matthew 9:36 – Darby Bible Translation)

The Greek word here for compassion is “splanchnizomai”. The word literally means to “be moved in the bowel.” When Jesus saw the crowds, he noticed and felt their pain and suffering deep within his gut. He “experienced” their trouble and helplessness and he was stirred with profound, intense emotion to do something about it. He gathered his disciples and empowered them with authority to cast out demons and to heal every disease and sickness.

Have you ever encountered others who seemed abused or abandoned? What about the young man begging for money on your way to work? What about your neighbor who is a single mom? What about your family member who just needs you to sit down and listen with an open heart? How can we show compassion to those around us? First…stop and take notice. It is so easy in our busy lives to rush on by without a second glance for those who are lost and hurting. Second, ask God if there is a way for you to truly help them. God might say “no” but he also might say “yes.” He might tell you to give the young man the money in your pocket or buy him a sandwich. He might tell you to ask your neighbor if you can babysit a few hours her. He might tell you to share some encouragement and pray for someone. The important thing is to stop, notice, pray and do something.

Prayer: Lord, help us notice and see others as you see them. Help us feel what you feel about them. Help us take appropriate action as we are led by the Holy Spirit. Lord, give us your compassion for those around us.


By Davina Winn, Assistant Pastor
Hanover, VA