This update concerning GCI district and church pastor Arnold Clauson is from his wife Trish.

It has been determined that Arnold has prostate cancer, which has metastasized to the left hip that was causing him so much pain and to other bones. Thankfully, it has not spread to any vital organs.
Arnold is receiving advanced, non-traditional therapy with an Integrative Health Clinic in the Dallas area. This treatment has shown good results in Europe and a few clinics in the US. Because Arnold has never taken medications, he has responded “too well” to the cancer treatment, which have overwhelmed his kidneys, shutting them down. This is an obstacle since he needs his kidneys to continue to rid himself of the dead cancer cells. He is receiving dialysis as we pray that his kidneys will return to normal function.
Arnold is now in his 13th day in the hospital. So much has been done to him during that time that it is miraculous that he has survived. He continues to struggle with pain.
God is sovereign and we know that this situation did not take him by surprise. In fact, the day we learned that it “might” be cancer, God already had orchestrated a path by which we were given the name of the Integrative Clinic. We also know that God is good and knows what he is doing. . .even if we do not. We are in constant prayer for his will to be done, and for his guidance in everything that is happening. We cherish the prayers of our brothers and sisters in the ministry. Thank you. . .we love you.
Cards may be sent to:
Arnold and Trish Clauson 109 Melrose Circle Denison, Texas 75020