GCI Update
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Update on Marj Friddle

The following update concerning Marj Friddle is from her husband Jim:

Marj went in for a routine colonoscopy Monday, August 15. The doctor found a colon mass just above the appendix. This was a shock since there were no symptoms of a problem.

She was immediately hospitalized and scheduled for surgery on Tuesday. The doctor removed more than a foot of her colon plus her appendix and was well pleased with the outcome of the operation. She was in ICU until Friday night when she was moved to a room. She was placed on solid food on Sunday evening. I stayed with her most of the time she was in the hospital.

Marj was released from the hospital on Tuesday, August 23. We got the pathology report right before leaving. IT IS GOOD NEWS! The mass was definitely colon cancer and it was contained in the part of the colon which was removed. The surgeon removed 12 lymph nodes and all were clear! His recommendation is that no further treatment is needed. He also recommends another colonoscopy in one year and contact with an oncologist in case he might want to do blood work or other tests during the coming year.

We love all of you deeply and appreciate your prayers, love, concern, cards and e-mails.


Cards may be sent to:

Mrs. Marjorie Friddle
7404 Stillwater Dr
Bayonet Point, FL 34667-2293

Death of Fred Bailey

Retired GCI pastor, C. Fred Bailey, died at age 70 on August 3 at his home in Southaven, MS. The cause of death was apparently heart failure.

Fred was born on July 26, 1941. He graduated from Ambassador College in Pasadena, CA in 1973. Upon graduation, he married Diane Yoho. They entered the field ministry as a trainee couple in June of that year, serving in the Oakland and San Francisco, CA churches. In 1974 they transferred to Nashville, TN. They served their first full pastorate in Evansville, IN. They also pastored in Springfield, MO and Richmond, VA. Fred retired in 2004. Fred’s wife, Diane, preceded him in death in 2006. Fred and Diane ministered capably and faithfully in all the church areas where they served. They were respected and loved by all who knew them.


Hospitalization of Marj Friddle

Marj Friddle, wife of GCI retired pastor Jim Friddle, had surgery this week to treat colon cancer. Her doctor told her that the cancer in her colon is apparently related to the breast cancer she battled in 2001. Please pray for Marj’s healing and for encouragement for Jim and the rest of the family. Cards and notes can be sent to:

Marj Friddle
7404 Stillwater Dr
Bayonet Point, FL 34667-2293


Death of Hector Espinoza

Hector and Adriana

Hector Espinoza, age 18, was killed last week in a gang related shooting. Hector was a new member of Communion De Gracia, the GCI Spanish-speaking church in San Fernando, CA pastored by Heber Ticas.

Though Hector had a troubled past, he was turning his life around. He was a first time camper this summer at SEP SoCal, where he surrendered his life to Christ. His mother Angelica Recendiz said that he came home with great peace and joy.

Please pray for Angelica and the rest of Hector’s family, including his sister Adriana, who was admitted to the hospital just before camp suffering from lupus. According to their youth pastor, Hector was a tremendous support to Adriana. He would sleep in the hospital and encourage her with assurance that everything was going to be okay. Three of Hector’s cousins attended camp with him this summer: Reyna Flores, Ernesto Flores and Armando Recendiz.

Cards and words of support can be sent to the family at this address:

Angelica Recendiz
10631 Lindley Ave. #136
Northridge, CA 91326

Pray for Janna (Kissee) Jones

Here is a prayer request from GCI pastor and district leader Jim Kissee:

Kaye and I learned this past week that our daughter, Janna (Kissee) Jones has thyroid cancer. Such notifications always bring a deep note of sadness, and even more so now for Janna and her husband, Nate who are expecting a baby girl in December. Their current plans are to have the cancer removed shortly after the baby is born, with possible radiation treatments following the surgery. Your prayers for Janna and her family are deeply appreciated.

Janna (Kissee) Jones
847 S. Campbell Ave.
Springfield, MO. 65806