Below is an update on the situation of the GCI churches in Northern Mozambique. For a previous update, click here.
River crossing
Manuel Vasco recently returned from visiting the last 10 of GCI’s 32 churches in Northern Mozambique that were devastated by the recent flooding. He reports that the trip went well, despite some mishaps along the way due to the ever-present mud and water.
Flooded cropland
The Chirre River is rising again, though it has not yet reached flood alert levels. Manuel said that it took them an hour in a canoe to cross the river.
Though many still suffer from hunger, the Mozambique members thank their GCI brothers and sisters throughout the world for supporting them with prayer and financial assistance.
Eating lilies to survive
South African GCI leader Tim Maguire travelled to Mozambique recently to deposit relief funds. He will return to Mozambique in about a month. To date, GCI in the US has forwarded $20,000 from its GCI Disaster Relief Fund to assist those in need in Mozambique. US congregations wishing to support these disaster relief efforts in Mozambique and elsewhere can donate to the GCI Disaster Relief Fund.
Prayer is requested for Charles Albrecht and his extended family. Charles serves as operations manager for GCI Church Administration and Development, USA.
On Sunday of this week, Charles’ older brother Troy died unexpectedly at the age of 55. Troy had shoulder surgery last week and was recuperating at home. Please pray for Troy’s wife Elaine, their two daughters Shannon and Heather and their two grandchildren Sierra and Gavin. Please also pray for the parents Kenyon and Bonnie Albrecht—you will recall that Bonnie fell eight months ago, has not been able to walk since then and still is enduring periods of intense pain. Charles, his wife Susi and their children Noah and Hannah sincerely appreciate your prayers.
Cards may be sent to:
Elaine Albrecht 909 Raven Croft Garland, TX 75043 Kenyon and Bonnie Albrecht 9978 Witham St Dallas, TX 75220 Charles Albrecht 681 Wild Rose Ln San Dimas, CA 91773
This prayer update is from GCI pastor Mark Queener concerning his son Mark. For the last prayer request for Brian, click here.
I am happy to report that Brian was released from the hospital on February 19. He’s living with Rhonda and me while he recovers. Although he is being treated as a diabetic for now, doctors say he may not have diabetes when he is fully recovered. Please join us in praying that this will be the case. We also ask you to pray with us about the next milestone in his recovery, that the sources of fluid being drained from his pancreas will soon stop producing fluid. Thank you very much for your love and concern. Brian is making good progress, but he still has a ways to go.
We were saddened to learn of the death of our dear sister, Marj Friddle, wife of retired GCI pastor James (“Jimmie”) Friddle. Here is a note from Jimmie.
Jimmie and Marj on their wedding day
Marj and I deeply appreciated all the hundreds of heartfelt expressions of love, compassion and encouragement through your calls, cards, emails and Facebook posts. Thank you!
Marj died on February 21 at 11:00 am. She was at peace and surrounded by her family when she passed. She was truly a Proverbs 31 companion with whom I shared 60 years of life. She was the life of our marriage and I miss her.
Marj’s memorial will be held on March 9 at 10:30 am at the Congregational Church of Northridge at 9659 Balboa Blvd., Northridge, California 91325.
Here are tributes that have appeared on Marj’s Facebook page:
Truly a wise and loving woman! She dealt with so many health issues over the years yet handled them with such GRACE! What an incredible example she was. My heart feels heavy and I’ve shed tears, yet I smile because I know she’s not in pain anymore! I know she was met by her Savior and heard the words….WELL DONE GOOD AND FAITHFUL SERVANT! Till we meet again! I love you Mrs Friddle. You will be missed by many!
Marj (at center) with her family
My sincerest sympathy to Marj’s family and to all who loved her—what a gracious, lovely, kind, compassionate, fun-loving woman she was. I have so many lovely memories of her during my teen years and beyond. Whenever we saw one another, though it was not often, it was as though we had never been apart. She always greeted me with the same loving kindness… May we all follow your loving example.
I am so very sorry to hear of the death of Marj Friddle. What a beautiful person she was. I have many fond memories of the Friddle family when they lived in Pennsylvania. I actually had the opportunity to baby-sit for them. What a lovely family! She will be greatly missed by all who knew and loved her. The family is in my thoughts and prayers—may God comfort them at this very difficult time. I know we will all see her again—like she said: “I will meet you in the morning.”
Marj with her granddaughter Ashley Allen
Marj was always such a beautiful source of heartfelt encouragement, which she gave generously… She will be greatly missed by hundreds of dear friends.
I was saddened to hear of Mrs Friddle’s passing, but could not help smiling remembering her beautiful smile and presence. Our prayers are with Mr. Friddle and family.
Cards may be sent to Marj’s husband James and the rest of family at:
James Friddle 7404 Stillwater Dr Bayonet Point, FL 34667-2293
This prayer update is from GCI Mozambique church secretary Manuel Vasco. For the earlier prayer request, click here.
We have now visited 22 of the 32 GCI churches located in Northern Mozambique that were devastated by the recent flooding. The flood waters have washed away their crops. Some have tried to replant, but after the corn germinated, heavy rains washed that away too. As a result, much hunger lies ahead as they subsist on water lilies, green bananas and roots.
We encountered people crying out for help, and they were very grateful for the financial assistance we gave to help them buy rice, corn or flour—enough for about two weeks. It is my understanding that once they replant, it is six to eight weeks before they can harvest. The situation is desperate. The government is not helping much in the areas where we have congregations, instead focusing their aid to the south where the devastation was greater. We ask for prayer for our suffering brothers and sisters.
GCI in the US is assisting our Mozambique congregations through the GCI Disaster Relief Fund. If your church would like to donate to this fund, have your church treasurer make a one time or recurring donation using the online donation system. If preferred, you may donate by a check made payable to Grace Communion International; noting on the memo line that the donation is for the GCI Disaster Relief Fund. Mail the check to:
GCI Disaster Relief Fund Grace Communion International P.O. Box 5005 Glendora, California 91740
This update is from GCI Pastor Mark Queener concerning his son Brian. For the previous prayer request for Brain, click here.
We are praising God from whom all blessings flow!
Though Brian was facing a return to critical care due to problems with his pancreas, we have learned that he will not need to. Brian’s white blood cell count returned to normal overnight.
Thank you for your continuing prayers for Brian. He still needs them, though today we are rejoicing!
We are saddened to learn of the untimely death of Glenn Roberson. Many GCI members will remember Glen with great fondness from his years serving as “chef extraordinaire” and dear friend to young and old at SEP in Orr, Minnesota and at Ambassador College in both Big Sandy, Texas and Pasadena, California. Glen suffered a stroke on February 6 and died on February 10 surrounded by his family. A memorial service in Glenn’s honor will be held at GCI’s New Beginnings church building in Big Sandy on Saturday, February 23 at 10:30 am. The following tribute was written by Sonny Parsons, Glenn’s pastor.
Glenn was a beloved friend who lived here (East Texas) for many years. He worked for 25 years for Ambassador College in both Big Sandy, Texas and Pasadena, California. He also worked for 10 years for LeTourneau University in Longview, Texas; and the last several years for Good Shepherd Medical Center (GSMC) also in Longview. Glenn was at work at GSMC when he collapsed. His coworkers caught him and took him to the GSMC emergency room. He passed from this life to be with his Lord on Sunday, February 10.
Born in 1945, Glenn turned 67 last October. He was a special man, loved by all who knew him. The outpouring of love and concern from GSMC staff members alone was overwhelming. During his time in the hospital, many of his church family gathered to pray for him.
Glenn with Vivian Pettijohn
Jerome Ellard, a member of our congregation, summarized Glenn’s life:
I can truthfully say that I know no one who was a more loving, gentlemanly, humble, godly servant than Glenn Roberson. I am so thankful that he was our friend.
The impact that Glenn had on so many lives is summarized in a write-up on a business website concerning Glenn’s employment at LeTourneau University:
Glenn loves his job and it shows, both in the huge smile on his face that he is never without, and the friendly greeting he has for anyone he encounters in LeTourneau University’s dining hall. Roberson’s lifelong dream has been to follow in his father’s footsteps and become a cook. He began his culinary career at Ambassador College, where he worked for almost 20 years before coming to LeTourneau. He has worked as a cook in the B.A. Skipper Dining Hall for more than a decade. “The students are the best part of my job. I like to talk to them while they’re waiting in line. I’m a real people person,” Roberson said. But cooking remains a close second. Roberson was recently approached to make a student’s wedding cake, a project he joyfully accepted. This summer he will once again contribute several baked goods to the annual bake sale fund-raiser for summer mission trips. Last year, one of his cakes brought in $1,000 for the project. For those who know Roberson and his penchant for creating delectable treats, it was worth every penny.
Glenn with “his boys”
Glenn is survived by his mother (in her mid 90s), brothers, a sister and many other relatives. He has family in New Mexico, Texas and Virginia. He has two dogs he called “his boys”—they will greatly miss Glenn.
Serving food at church
Over the past few years, Glenn would come to the church building by 8:00 AM on Sunday morning to prepare special treats for the members to enjoy during a time of fellowship after services. In just the past couple of weeks he had prepared a special meal for our church’s large Wednesday evening Bible study and had sung special music in services.
Often Glenn would travel to our sister church in Texarkana to sing special music and take along treats that he had prepared. I would often joke with Glenn and tell him that people didn’t care if I was there or not–they wanted to know what Glenn had sent them.
Glenn’s smile and love were appreciated by all who were touched by his life. He truly “let his light shine,” proclaiming the gospel and his love for Christ by the way he lived.
Many tributes to Glenn have been appearing on Facebook. Here is one from GCI Kansas City member Julie Frantz:
Today we celebrate the beautiful life of our dear friend Glenn Roberson. He is face to face with his Lord. Thank you Lord for sharing him with us. He has always been a bright light in my life. Mr. Roberson, I look forward to having hot bread with you again.
Last week we asked for prayer for GCI members in Mozambique who have been devastated by the flooding there. Here is additional information from GCI South Africa leader and mission developer Tim Maguire.
About 800 GCI members in Northern Mozambique have been directly affected by the terrible flooding. Most of them are located near the southern tip of Malawi, especially on the plain between the Zambezi and Chiri rivers. The area is quite flat.
Manuel Vasco (secretary) and Mariano Binzi (national leader) are travelling to various congregations to assess the damage. Some churches are inaccessible, even at good times. They are travelling by a motorbike purchased for them by GCI’s Indianapolis congregation about a year ago.
Though the flooding is receding, some rivers are still flowing strongly, which restricts movement in the area. I received this message from Manuel:
Much thanks for your continued assistance. I am trying by all means to get to all of our churches, traveling with the bike. There are some areas where it’s hard to pass through on a motorcycle because of mud. Yesterday I went to Pinda, Mponha and Gera. Today we travel to Mopeia and will worship there tomorrow. On Monday we travel to other affected areas and will only return home after finishing the process. The main use of the relief funds that we have been given is to buy rice and maize that have been brought in from other places. We ask for your prayers as we travel to different zones, crossing rivers in canoes.
I just received news from Manuel that one of our members named Domingos, who was travelling with them by motorbike on their relief efforts, fell and broke his leg. He has been taken to a clinic for treatment.
In response to the needs described above, GCI Australia sent A$10,000, GCI Canada sent C$5,000 and the GCI home office in Glendora, California sent US$10,000 from the GCI Disaster Relief Fund. Donations to the GCI Disaster Relief Fund make it possible for GCI to respond quickly to disasters like this. If your congregation would like to donate to the fund, have your church treasurer make a one time or recurring donation using the online donation system. If preferred, you may donate by a check made payable to Grace Communion International, noting on the memo line that the donation is for the GCI Disaster Relief Fund. Mail the check to:
GCI Disaster Relief Fund Grace Communion International P.O Box 5005 Glendora, California 91740
Please pray for the family of GCI Philippines area leader and pastor Rex Dela Pena (pictured below left) who sent us this message concerning his father’s recent death.
Wilfredo L. Dela PenaRex Dela Pena
I thank God for answering our prayers for my father Wilfredo Dela Pena (pictured at right). He died peacefully surrounded by all four of his children and one grandchild. At his bedside we sang songs and prayed as the nurses joined in.
I lost both of my parents in less than a year. It has been hard, but the whole family is grateful that both of my parents now know the awesome depth of God’s unconditional love. My father had been asking God to take him home—now he truly is; basking in the loving embrace of our Father in heaven.
This prayer request is from GCI Germany’s national director Santiago Lange who asks for prayer concerning a health issue he’s dealing with.
I recently received results of a routine diabetes checkup. Thankfully, my blood sugar levels are within normal range. However, it was discovered that I might have a rather uncommon form of diabetes. More tests will have to be performed, but I should know by the end of April. If I have this form of diabetes, I will have to inject insulin for the rest of my life (unless, of course, God intervenes). I would appreciate prayer for me and my family as we continue to trust in God who knows and understands all our pains and frailties.