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Kingdom Living and Kingdom Culture

GCI President Greg Williams reflects on Paul’s letter to the Colossians, reminding us to embrace faith, hope, and love as Christ equips us for His ministry. As we step into 2025, we are called to grow in God’s will, bear fruit, and live as citizens of His kingdom, shining His light in all we do.

Program Transcript

GCI President Update | January 2025
Kingdom Living & Kingdom Culture

Colossians is a wonderfully inspiring letter written from Paul an apostle of Christ, not self-appointed, rather appointed by the will of the triune God written to the saints — faithful, Christ-following sisters and brothers in Colosse (and for Christ-followers from the early church to us in the 21st century). 

Highlights from the first chapter of the letter give us some great insights as we begin 2025.

In verses 3-5, first and foremost, we identify with Christ (one of the most Christ-centered letters of the NT). We identify with Christ and His most pronounced virtues — Faith, Hope, and Love. This is His nature, and He gifts us with these virtues to transform us and to equip us so that we participate with Him in His ministry. We have been on this track for awhile and we will continue forward.

Allow me to read Paul’s prayer for the believers in Colosse:

Colossians 1:For this reason, since the day we heard it, we have not ceased praying for you and asking that you may be filled with the knowledge of God’s will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, 10 so that you may lead lives worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to him, as you bear fruit in every good work and as you grow in the knowledge of God. 11 May you be made strong with all the strength that comes from his glorious power, and may you be prepared to endure everything with patience, while joyfully 12 giving thanks to the Father, who has enabled you to share in the inheritance of the saints in the light. 13 He has rescued us from the power of darkness and transferred us into the kingdom of his beloved Son, 14 in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.

Allow me to summarize:

  • To have “knowledge of God’s will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding … bearing fruit in every good work.” I am not one to use words like all and every; it seems too certain and dogmatic. Yet Paul uses these words intentionally. He urges us to seek God’s understanding and wisdom in all matters. Then he doesn’t want us to only bear fruit in a few areas, he desires that we grow in every aspect — love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control — every good fruit.
  • Ever increasing in our knowing of the triune God revealed in Jesus, not holding back because the one God in three Persons is a mystery, rather jumping in to see what is revealed to us about this amazing God in: 1) The words of Scripture, 2) What we learn from trusted teachers, and 3) Then what we know from our relational walk with Father, Son, and Spirit.
  • God the Father has delivered us from the dominion of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of His beloved son. Eugene Peterson’s Message Bible says, “God rescued us from dead-end alleys and dark dungeons. He’s set us up in the kingdom of the Son he loves so much the Son who got us out of the pit we were in, got rid of the sins we were doomed to keep repeating.”

We, along with the saints in Colosse, have been transported from the dark corners of a fallen world into the glorious light of the kingdom of God. Hallelujah!

Kingdom Culture will be the GCI theme for 2025.

We will explore how we live and walk into the reality of being saints as God sees us rather than the self-talk of being sinners held captive by the darkness around us.

As we collectively grow in the grace and knowing of Jesus, we will think and act as citizens of the eternal kingdom, representing Jesus and pointing to Him.

Even though we live in the tension of the “already but not yet” — signifying that the kingdom is here now, but not in its fullness — we want to embrace the “nowness” of the kingdom. We want to demonstrate the goodness of Jesus as we bear fruit in every good work. We want to proclaim the goodness of Jesus as we point others toward Him in all opportunities.

Then Paul concludes this chapter by stating that his everyday efforts are to preach Christ and help bring all (that word again) believers into maturity in Christ. These are the same goals and work-related priorities for GCI today as we enter a New Year.

I am Greg Williams speaking to you about the life of the church and wishing you a “Happy New Year” in the Lord!

We invite you to join us for this U.S. Home Church sermon by Greg Williams. Clothed in Christ

P.S. Our hearts and prayers go out to our members, friends, and all victims who are suffering from the devastation caused by the wildfires in southern California. The multiple fires have been fueled by the strong Santa Anna winds, and we continue to beseech Jesus to calm the winds and for the fires to be put out. We have been able to work with our local pastors to be able to get emergency funds to our members who have lost their homes and possessions. And yet there will be long-term effects, and rebuilding houses and lives will take years. Let’s not languish in our prayer support or allow this catastrophic event to become old news while people continue to suffer. More information about the GCI Disaster Relief Fund is available here.

We also pray for the people of Southeast Australia who are facing extreme fire risk due to dry conditions and a heatwave.
When one suffers, we all suffer.
Greg Williams

Gratitude and Prayerful Hope

Greg and Susan Williams
Greg and Susan Williams

Dear GCI Family and Friends,

As we approach the end of 2024, there’s much to give thanks for in our shared journey. In the U.S., we came together for face-to-face regional gatherings (the first live gathering of this nature since before the Covid pandemic). It was a time to hug necks and rejoin the deep relationships that we have enjoyed for many years. This year was also a time to face difficult realities about the state of our congregations, and we made needed changes related to what congregations can be chartered, and served accordingly, as we go forward into 2025.

Another significant change that is under way in the United States is moving from the regional structure to a U.S. National Ministry Team, whose purpose is to serve our pastors and congregations in meaningful ways that can put legs to the vision for Healthy Church. We are prayerfully hopeful.

I am encouraged by the remarkable ways the Spirit is at work in and through GCI, moving us forward in unity and purpose. The resiliency and supportive attitude of GCI pastors and members amazes me. Thank you!

The triune God is faithful in our midst. Jesus Christ, the head of the church has much in store for us. I caught a glimpse of this at the Dream Huddle event held at our Ministry Training Center in Surrey Hills, O.K. Church planters, pastors of church mergers, and leaders of church relaunches gathered to share what we have been learning. We discussed how we can be supportive of each other as the Lord reshapes and rebuilds GCI in the U.S. Once again, I am prayerfully hopeful.

I am very encouraged by my visits and interactions with our international leaders as well. This past year, I collaborated with our Australasian Superintendent Daphne Sidney who is leading more than thirty participants in the Christian Discipleship Program. Their journey of learning and growing together has great promise. I joined New Zealand Regional Director Dennis Richards and Pastors Frank and Emily Boyd from Fiji as they hosted their Avenue Champions for a two-day workshop. It was inspiring to see their focus and intentionality as they join Jesus in His ministry to their island nation. I rounded out my year joining Kalengule Kaoma, Superintendent of Africa, and his team of regional directors in Ghana. The church in Ghana celebrated its 50-year anniversary, but with the level of energy and enthusiasm expressed it’s like they are just getting started.

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Christ the King

Greg and Susan Williams
Greg and Susan Williams

Dear GCI Family and Friends,

This Sunday we celebrate Christ the King Sunday. It is a feast day that ends the liturgical year and introduces the new cycle taking us into the Advent season. I believe that it is a wonderful tradition to celebrate Christ’s messianic kingship and sovereign rule over all creation. It tells the end of the story even as we prepare ourselves for a new liturgical year, ushering in the incarnate baby Jesus born to His mother, Mary, in Bethlehem.

Jesus was intentional and clear with His disciples about having a “kingdom mindset.” Preaching the good news of the coming eternal kingdom of God was central to the teaching of Jesus from the beginning of His public ministry throughout.

In His final evening with the disciples, He made some key comments. When He instituted the Lord’s Table service, He presented the elements of the bread and wine, symbolizing His broken body and spilled blood. He declared that He would not eat these again with them until they were regathered in the kingdom of heaven.

As He was preparing the disciples to manage with His absence, He gave them strong words of encouragement.

Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me. My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. You know the way to the place where I am going. John 14:1-4 NIV

Even after Jesus was resurrected, and just before He ascended back to the Father, the disciples had their minds fixed on when Jesus, the King, would restore the kingdom to Israel. Unfortunately, it seems they were thinking of the benefits of a physical kingdom with a keen desire to be delivered from Roman rule. They missed the fuller meaning.

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Inclusion and Union

Greg and Susan Williams
Greg and Susan Williams

Dear GCI Family and Friends,

It is important that we have theological clarity as to what we mean when we use the popular phrase, “All are included in the life and love of Jesus.” It is exciting and life-changing to grasp and participate in what God has accomplished for all humanity in and through His incarnate Son, Jesus. In our hearts, we want this for all people.

Dr. Gary Deddo addresses what we do and don’t mean by “included” in Christ and the meaning of “union with Christ.”

I note the difference between the personal union of the two natures in Christ (the hypostatic union) and our spiritual union by the Holy Spirit that incorporates us into the Body of Christ (what normally union with Christ has meant). It is by the ministry of the Holy Spirit that frees our response of repentance and faith so that we have a relationship of communion (koinonia) and personally receive the benefits Jesus Christ has for us. The two are not the same even though they are necessarily related. Our union by the Holy Spirit depends absolutely upon the whole Christ, the hypostatic union that makes Him one in being with God and one in nature with us.

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Christian Nationalism, Progressivism, Patriotism, and Voting

Dear Family and Friends,

Unless you live in a cave, you know that 2024 is an election year. In fact, 2024 could be called “The Election Year,” at least 70 countries around the world will have an election, including Ghana, Bangladesh, Mexico, and the United Kingdom. Sorting out the role as a Christian during this season is not an easy journey.

I’ve asked Rick Shallenberger to write an article speaking into how we as GCI walk through the elections as we are guided by the instruction of Scripture and the leading of the ever-present Holy Spirit. And we pray to the King of kings, please provide us with leaders who care for their people and countries.

Greg Williams

I have good Christ-following friends on both sides of the U.S. political aisle whom I love and respect. I may disagree with some of their political views, and I may believe they don’t see the bigger picture, but I suspect they feel the same about my political views. The important thing is that our relationships and our worldviews are not based on politics; they are based on Jesus.

Today we live with worldviews that are in contradiction to a Christian worldview and Jesus’ teachings. Both Christian Nationalism on the “right” and Progressivism on the “left” are problematic. Christian Nationalism is different than patriotism. The basic premise of Christian Nationalism is that America should be a theocracy, ruled by Christian power in government. This is not the same as cultures and governments being influenced by Christian principles, and it is different from patriotism.

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I Am My Brother’s Keeper

Greg Williams at the West African Leadership Conference

Dear GCI Family and friends,

When electrical power is lost and cell phone towers are down, our reliance on technology becomes exposed. It heightens the fear and concern we feel for our loved ones whom we cannot reach.

During Hurricane Helene’s catastrophic destruction across the southeastern U.S., my home state of North Carolina was hard hit. After the brunt of the storm had passed, it took until Sunday, September 28, before we had communication with my extended family to know that everybody was safe. There was one exception — my older brother Evan. My friend and colleague, Rick Shallenberger, was at my home, and he and I listened to the prompting of Susan to determine that rather than head to church services, the greater need was to make our way to Evan. I appreciated that Rick made the statement, “Rather than going to church, we were being the church.”

Could we even get through crippled roads, washed out bridges, downed trees and power lines? We weren’t sure, but we were determined to try. We made our way west through towns where traffic lights were out and stores had darkened windows. We got within less than a mile of Evan’s house, and we had to park because of the impassable road. After hiking in with arms laden with groceries and drinking water, we began seeing the damage — a tree laying across the roof of his detached garage, a caved in roof of his truck. And then when we got to the entrance of the main house, we saw another big tree laying across the roof of the primary bedroom with a gaping hole in the ceiling.

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US Church Restructuring

Dear Church,

In Church Administration and Development (CAD) for the U.S., we have been working for more than a year to move from a regional structure of support and supervision to a national structure.

During our summer gatherings, I shared the “5D cycle” of transformational change process: disruption, discovery, death, design, and deploy. It’s an appreciative inquiry tool, adapted from the 5D Method of Change. The newly formed U.S. CAD team has journeyed around this circle and have learned many valuable lessons. One of the most important lessons is to get each team member in his or her best fit. I think they have accomplished this.

I am proud of their hard work; they have demonstrated a yielding to the Spirit in each stage. In January 2025, the new structure will be fully implemented. Mike will give us more background, so please keep reading.

Greg Williams

GCI in the United States has been undergoing major restructuring throughout 2023 and 2024. These changes have occurred for several reasons. The main reason is a shortage of pastors and key leaders to replace our ranks. For the past 12 years, our regional system has served us well. We started with six regions. With the retirement of Ted Johnston, it went to five regions. In January 2024, Anthony Mullins left the role of Southeast regional director (RD) to plant a GCI congregation in Durham, North Carolina. Then in January 2025, Rick Shallenberger, North Central RD, and Tim Sitterley, Western RD, will both be retiring. This means Dr. Jeff Broadnax, Pam Morgan, and I will be sharing the responsibilities of overseeing the United States. I also have the responsibility of overseeing the Canadian and the Caribbean regions. We hope you can understand that we clearly needed to make some changes to manage this vast area with fewer people.

One option was to move our more experienced pastors from their current congregations to the role of RD, but this would put these large, healthy congregations at risk. Robbing Peter to pay Paul is never a good strategy for growth nor sustainable health. So, the Holy Spirit has been leading us to think differently and guiding us to implement a new strategy. However, this new strategy has required incredibly challenging and painful decisions and even more difficult conversations with our pastors and facilitators.

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Know Your Enemy

Greg and Susan Williams
Greg and Susan Williams

Dear GCI Family and Friends,

My pastor recently gave a sermon about Jesus the great shepherd from John 10. He emphasized how Jesus loves us, pursues us (even leaving the 99 to come after us), and saves us. Then he emphasized how important it is for us to listen and recognize the voice of our shepherd. Thank God we have this wonderful shepherd in Jesus.

In this same passage, Jesus says that there is a thief. This thief’s motives are to steal, kill, and destroy. The apostle Peter makes a similar reference in his letter to the church.

Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. (1 Peter 5:8 NIV)

If our enemy is on the prowl and seeking to devour and destroy us, it behooves us to understand his tactics, and then to be sober-minded and alert. Deception, division and distraction are his best and most-often-used tools.


The apostle John, who identifies the devil as a thief, gives us more insight.

You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies. (John 8:44 NIV)

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