GCI Update
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October 28, 2009

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

After using Rick Shallenberger’s Christmas Readers’ Theater in their congregations last year, several asked if Rick would provide another one this year, and we are happy to report that he has. To view this Christmas Readers’ Theater, click this link: 2009 Christmas Readers Theater


Hector and Paulina Barrero let us know about the baptisms of four people that Paulina has taught in two small weekly ladies Bible study groups. From the groups that Paulina has led, some have begun attending our church and now are now praying for our fellowship.



Nearly 300 of our French-speaking brothers and sisters in Christ gathered together in Evian, France, for a Celebration of Jesus Christ. Sessions were held to deepen our understanding of Trinitarian theology. There were events for all ages, and the table fellowship was wonderful. This is an annual event that takes place the last week of October every year. French and English translations were provided.


Birmingham, Alabama

The Birmingham, Alabama, church held a women’s retreat October 16-18 at the St. Bernard retreat center. About 50 women attended the event, which began with a lively night of board games. Everyone enjoyed getting acquainted, some for the first time, some renewing old friendships. Saturday morning began with praise and worship, led by Barbara Dahlgren and Ann Hartmann, followed by speakers Tammy Tkach, Ginny Rice, Ruth Miller and Mary Jo Leaver. Ann Hartmann performed some songs she wrote and recorded. Sunday morning featured praise and worship, another session by Tammy Tkach and more wonderful songs by Ann Hartmann. Ruth Miller wrapped up the weekend. Many women pitched in to help pack things away and everyone agreed they should do it again next year.

Prayer Request

Remember that prayer is the battleground where we fight the good fight of faith. Let’s encourage everyone to join together in prayer, for we belong to Christ, and by the Spirit it is in Christ that we pray. Prayer and other spiritual activities help keep our hearts in tune with God and remind us of who we are in Christ. He is our all in all, and in him we are eternally beloved of the Father and blessed to share his good news with others.

Love from my family to yours,
Joseph Tkach