GCI Update
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We are delighted to report two recent elder ordinations and a pastor commissioning.

  • Gary Glenister of the South Wales (UK) congregation and Nestor Guspodarchuk of the Winnepeg (Canada) congregation were recently ordained as elders.
  • Lynn Lawrence

    With the unanimous support of the elders and other congregational leaders, Lynn Lawrence was commissioned as the new pastor of the Montreal (Canada) English-speaking congregation. Since Lynn’s husband Dennis retired due to disability, Lynn has worked closely with District Superintendent Bill Rabey and the congregation’s elders in doing the bulk of the pastoral work.


2 thoughts on “Ordinations”

  1. Praise God. Lynn, you and Dennis, and the Montreal English-speaking brothers and sisters are in my prayers for the gospel to continue to grow in you and grow you.
    Grace and Peace!
    James Newby

  2. Congratulations, Lynn. Adrienne and I and the entire congregation here in Fort Worth prayed for Dennis many times. Our prayers will continue for you and Dennis. May God richly bless you and the congregation!

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